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It's been a while that Tom left mine and Mattheo's dorm. I can't believe what I just did. I killed my father. My own father. For Merlin's shake. If a professor learns about it I'm gonna go to Azkaban. I don't want to. Maybe Tom and Mattheo like it there but I won't. I don't want to fucking hurt myself because of them.

I pull those thoughts off of my mind and take a quick shower. I change clothes and lay to my bed hoping that I'm gonna fell asleep but nothing. I can't.

"Screw it".

I change back into my uniform for school, take my wand and leave. I go at the Forbidden Forest. Yeah. Not a good idea but I just couldn't stay into my dorm. Well now I think that this was my worst idea ever. The professors told us millions times not to coming here without them or alone but hey. Here I am and nothing bad happened. I am safe. Even if I am alone. I wish I stay alone at the moment.

Just then I heard a noise. Oh hey man. Can't I stay alone? I don't need company. I take my wand and look around for anything. Then my snake (my pet) appears. I kneel down and it comes to my arm.

"Hey. What are you doing here?".

"He guided me here" I look up and see Tom.

"Fuck" I mutter under my breath.

"What are you doing out here? It's dangerous".

"Well not like something happened".

"Not like both of us are gonna get in trouble because of your stupid brain".

"Ok. I'm sorry. I wanted to get out of my dorm".

"Go at the library. Anywhere but not here".

"I said I'm sorry".

"We have to go back at school before a professor understands that we are missing".


He walks in front and I walk close behind him. My snake starts being stressed and I understood that. I guess Tom felt it either cause he turns around and looks at it. He stops walking and looks around.


"Quiet. Someone is here".

"Like who?".

"I don't know" I look up at the sky. Just to check.


Tom looks up as well and after me angry. Ok. That's my mistake but I didn't want this to happen. Ok? I just didn't want to stay into my dorm. I never thought that something like that could happen.

"Can't we fight it somehow?".

"How Yln? Do you the spell? Cause I don't" I stare at him. The Dementors start coming near us.

"Fuck it" Tom looks confused as I go in front of him. "EXPECTO PATRONUM".

The Dementors can't come near us. Tom stares at me confused. More likely shocked. I manage to send them away (the Dementors). I lost a lot of power and I'm exhausted. Before I fell at the ground I felt two arms wrap around me that didn't let me hit the ground. I look at Tom as he stares at me.

"Are you ok, Yln?".

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just ... The spell was hard enough".

"How did you ... Know it?".

"The correct question is how you didn't know it. After all you are the most powerful witch in our school" he stares at me searching for an answer. "May you help me to stand up?".


He helps me stand up and I look at him. We walk back to school slowly and quietly. We walk through the halls as quiet as possible. Tom guides me at my dorm. As we enter we see Mattheo waiting for us. He turns around as he heard us and looks confused that Tom is helping me to walk in.

"What happened?" Mattheo asks as Tom sits me at my bed.

"Her stupid ideas put us in danger".

"My stupid ideas saved your ass".

"After that you put it on danger".

"It was a bad idea. Ok? I didn't want to stay here".

"That's not my problem. Stay in. Am I clear?".



"Now I'm more confused. What happened?".

"We met with the Dementors" Tom says.


"Lucky for us Yln knew the spell to fight them" Mattheo looks at me.

"We haven't learned that spell yet".

"I know. I'm waiting an answer from the time that we started walking back here. We argued like 20 times till we arrive. If a professor didn't hear us then the students probably did".

"You were talking loud" I say.

"Or you could just tell me who taught you that spell".

"That's something that I can't say".

"Why not?".

"There are ... Reasons" he tries to enter my mind but I block it. He stares at me angrily.

"What reasons, Yln?".

"Reasons and if I am not telling you that means that I can't say that. Ok? Now please let me rest".

"No. That's not gonna happen. First you will tell me the truth and after you are gonna rest".

Then someone knocks the door and we all look at each other confused. Mattheo opens the door and we see professor Snape.

"Shit" I mutter under my breath.

He walks inside and stares all of us. He knows something. I just hope I won't have detention because of that. Tom is gonna kill me.

"Who from you 3 were at the halls?" we all look each other. "Yln was for sure. You 2 boys?".

"You are not gonna give us detention are you professor?" Tom says as he stands up and stares at Snape.

"Unfortunately not, Mr Riddle because then I'll have to explain why y'all have detention" that was a lie. I felt it. But why would Snape lies about?

"I hope so" Tom says.

I watch them trying to understand what is going on? Is Tom threatening Snape? How and ... How the hell does he do that? If I was trying I would have detention for years. Something is going on here.

"Could Snape being a death eater like Mattheo and Tom?" I stare at Snape's arms trying to see anything. I saw a few lines. Something like ... Snake? The ... The symbol. "He was there because otherwise it's not visible to around. He probably forgot to hide it".

I look up at him and he notices where I was staring. He pulls more down his sleeves and after clears his throat.

"Mr Riddle I would like talk to you for a while" he stares at me. Tom looks at me confused.

"Of course professor".

They walk away and Mattheo turns and looks at me. Like he felt it? He knew it? I don't know. Like I did something really bad or something. I lay at my bed and stare at the ceiling not able to sleep.

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