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The morning finally came. I sit up at my bed and just stare at the wall. I forgot to hide Lucius' body. They are gonna find it. I'm gonna fucking get send to Azkaban. I change quickly into my Slytherin robe. As I walk out of the bathroom Tom walks into our dorm. He looked stressed.


"Uhh ... Good morning, Yn".

"What happened?".

"Lucius found dead at Snape's class. We don't know who did that and my father wants us to find who killed him" I swallow hardly when I heard that Voldemort wants us to find who killed Lucius.

"When did you find him?" I try to stay as calm as possible.

"A few minutes ago. Dumbledore said that no one will have classes today and we all better stay at our dorms except the prefects. We have to go at his office but we 2 will go first at Snape's office. He wants talk to us".


"I don't know. He actually said that he wants talk to you more than me" I just stare at him. "I don't know. Let's go".

I take my wand and we start for Snape's office. As we arrive my stress start raising dangerously. We enter and Snape's stare fell immediately at me.

"Take a seat" Tom and I sit down. I keep my stare low. I can't look at Snape. I can't hide what I did. "Look at me, Yn" he called me by my name? I look up at him slowly trying to stay calm. "Do you 2 know what happened? Who killed Lucius?".

"No" Tom says.

"You don't know, Tom?".

"I don't know who killed him, Severus. I was with my brother".

"You, Yn?".

"I ... Don't".

"You don't".


"Where were you late night?" I don't talk. Tom turns and looks at me.

"With ... Draco".

"I already talked with him. He told me that you told him to go and rest. After that you stayed at the common room alone being angry with Lucius of what he did to Draco".

"That is true".

"What did you do after that?".

"I ... Went to my dorm" it sounded more like a question and I curse myself for that.

"Do you ask me or do you answer me?".

"Answer you".

"Did someone see you?".

"I had a small conversation with Mattheo".


"I don't think that's something-"

"You better answer before I say to Voldemort that you fucking killed Lucius" I stare at him scared. How did he find out.

"What?" Tom asks.

"About what did you and Mattheo talk?".

"He just said that he apologizes".

"For what?".

"He told me that he will come at the Astronomy Tower after he talks with Tom but he never came".

"And after?".

"When ... He saw the blood at my clothes and asked me what happened I entered at my dorm without answer him" I lower my stare. "Tom asked me what happened either but I just ignored him and went at the bathroom to change clothes".

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