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3 months later

Yn and the baby start getting better

A sentence of 7 words and 30 letters that can change everything

Tom Marvolo Riddle POV

I walk in Yn's room and she smiles at me. I sit down and look at her.

"Hi" she smiles.

"Hi, love. How are you feeling today?".


"Did the doctor come while I was downstairs?".


"And ....? What did he say?".

"I'll be finally able to see our baby" I smile at her. "It's been 3 months" she sighs.

"It was difficult for you but you stayed strong and I'm very proud of you" she smiles at me.


"Yeah, love".

"Can you get me something?".


"After we go back home".

"What could I get for you, darling?".

"A cat. A small cat".

"A kitty?".


"Mhm. I'll think about it. What color would you want it to be?".

"So you will get me one?".

"If you will be a good girl, of course I will, darling".

"Yay" she hugs me and I hug her back.

"So. What color?".


"Alright, love" there is a knock on the door and then the doctor walks inside with our baby to his hug. I smile as I saw Yn wides her eyes.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Lestrange" Yn stares at the baby. Joy fills her eyes.

"Is she ... "

"Yes. She's your daughter" as she heard it, she looked at the doctor. The doctor places the baby careful at Yn's hug and she melts into it. "I'll let you to see her" with that he walks outside. Yn keeps her stare at the baby.

"She's so beautiful" I smile at her.

"Yeah. Bellatrix is really beautiful" her head shots up and stares at me confused. I smile at her.


"Bella for short" she stares at me. "I have read your mind so many times, darling. I think that it will be the best to name her Bellatrix. Only if you are ok with that, of course" she smiles at me and I see a few tears to her eyes.

"N-No problem" I hug her as she hugs the baby.

"Calm down, baby".

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