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Yn Emma Lestrange POV

It's the next morning. 7 o'clock. I change into a black skirt and wear a green crop top. As I walk downstairs I saw a the boys talking and a piece of paper at Mattheo's hand. As I entered they stop talking and Mattheo hides the papers to his pocket. I stare at them suspicious.


"Yeah?" they both say. When they are talking together, something has happen. I softly chuckle and tilt a bit my head. I sit in front of them and stare at them.

"What is going on?".

"Nothing" they continue talking together.


"Nothing happened" they continue talking together.

"BOYS" they don't talk. I look at Mattheo. "Give me that paper".

"What ... Paper?" he gulps visible at me.

"Mattheo" they look each other. "Give. Me. That. Paper. Now" Tom shakes his head. "Guys".

"N-No" I keep my stare at Mattheo.

"What is it about?" they don't talk. I softly chuckle. "What happened, boys? Is it something about you?".

"No" they both say.

"About me?".


"About our kids?".

"Something" Mattheo says. Tom slaps him at his head.

"Shut up" I look confused.

"What happened?".

"Nothing. It's not about them".

"What happened with Billy and Bellatrix?".



"Give it to her" Tom says softly. Mattheo hands me the piece of paper.

Your son got into a fight. He has detention and like he told me there is a chance your daughter to has a boyfriend. I just let you know.


"What?" I look at them. "When did my father send it?" they don't talk. "Boys".

"Yesterday. When you went upstairs with Mattheo, an owl came and gave it to me" I stare at Tom.

"And you didn't tell me about it".



"Cause you weren't good-"

"They are my kids, Tom".

"I know".


"I hided it from your own good".

"Let me know about my 'own good'. Don't hide those stuff from me. Understand?".

"Yes ma'am" I softly chuckle at his answer and they smile.


"What are we gonna do about them? Billy is in trouble and Bellatrix is way too young for a boyfriend" Mattheo says. I shot him a glare. "W-What?".

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