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Tom Marvolo Riddle POV

I'm still at Billy's room. I don't think that he has forgave me for everything but a few things. He understood that Bella is just a baby and needs attention so she doesn't hit or something. I understand him tho. He feels alone sometimes and I completely understand him. He needs company. Someone to his age that he will like to talk with and will have fun.

After 1 hour I walk downstairs and he got to sleep. As I entered at the kitchen Yn was waiting for me with her arms crossed.

"What did I do?" she softly laughs.

"What did you and Billy talk about?" I stare at her. "I read his mind either, Tom. Did you explain to him a few things?".

"Of course I did".

"Ok good".

"Where's Bella?".



"With Axel".

"Oh ok".

"You think about something".

"The Halloween is close. If he spent those with his friends?".

"Good idea".

A.N.: Hello guys, I know that this is a REALLY small chapter but another huge for Halloween is coming soon. So I'm sorry that it was that small this one. I hope you like the story till here. Better ideas are coming soon and OF COURSE the story HASN'T come to an end. Just to let you know. More amazing ideas are coming soon.

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