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We all graduated from Hogwarts. We all are at the train now going back home. Where am I gonna go? Where the boys are gonna go? I am sitting at a cabin alone. I haven't told the boys where I am so they are still searching or they say somewhere alone. I have sit at the corner and hug my legs while I'm staring out of the window. What am I gonna do from now on? Suddenly the door opens. I look over there and see Tom and Mattheo standing there, staring at me.

"You scared me" Tom says and sighs. They both get in and sit down. I keep staring out of the window. "Are you ok, love?".


"You can trust us" Mattheo says.

"Everything's ok".

"As you wish".

"We got a surprise for you" Tom says.

"Surprise for me?".

"Yes. When we arrive and get off the train, you will come with us somewhere".

"Sorry. Can't tell".

"C'mon boys".

"No. You'll have to wait" Mattheo says.

I sigh and look out if the window again. The boys chuckle at my reaction. It's been around 20 minutes now. The train finally came to and end. We all get out.

"Let's go" Tom says.

We all pull our wands to our pants pocket and walk down the hall. We get out of the train station. I look around. It feels so unfamiliar even if I was born here.

"It feels unfamiliar" I say and look at the boys.

"We know but that's not the surprise" Mattheo says.

"Follow us" Tom says.

We all walk down the streets. That's my old neighborhood. I kinda hate it here. I have so many bad memories of it. Suddenly I felt like someone was following us. I stop walking and look behind us. No one. The boys look at me and softly smirk but after they hide their face expressions.

"We are almost there. Let's continue" Tom says.

We walk a bit more till we arrive out of a huge house. A mansion more likely. I look at the boys and they look back at me.

"Well, that's not us showing you a random house but that's us asking you if you want to live with us here" Tom says.

"Like that we will be able to take care of the babies either. You and the babies will be safe" Mattheo says. I stare at them and smile.

"You guys are amazing" they softly laugh.

"So is that a yes?".

"Are you kidding me? Of course it is a yes".


"I told you she would say yes".

"Let's get inside" I nod.

We all walk inside. I felt for once again that someone is watching us. Something doesn't feel right here. Someone is in here with us. Someone broke into but who? I keep checking around.

"Yn?" Mattheo says.

"Everything's ok?" Tom says.

"Yeah. I just ... Feel like ... Someone is watching us".

"That would be me" I turn around and came face to face with Bellatrix.

I look at the boys and they smile and nod at me. I run at Bellatrix and hug her tightly. She hugs me back either.

"How did you come here?" I say in a low voice.

"Like I said multiple times, I have my ways" she stares at the boys. I turn and look at them.

"Thank you, guys. I really appreciate it" they smile at me.

"Of course, Yn".

"Anything for you, love".

I suddenly heard a knock on the door. The door opens and I see ... Fuck. Voldemort. Mattheo, Tom, Bellatrix and Voldemort laugh. I grab my wand and point it at them. Then they all say the same spell.


I wake up screaming. I felt someone pushing me down at the bed and hugging me.

"Shhhh. It's ok. It's ok, love. It was all a nightmare. It's ok".


"It's me. Tom. It's me, love. Don't worry. Everything's good now" I pull away from him and stare at him. "Love?".

"No. No. It can't be".

"It can't be what?" he smirks at me.


And he stabbed me. I wake up screaming. I lost the feeling of breathing oxygen. I look at the bed next to me and didn't see anyone. Tom didn't come back. Wait. Is that actually reality or is it a nightmare either? I look at my fingers. I count them.

"10. Not a nightmare".

I go over the window and stare out at it. I place a cigarette in-between my lips and light it up. Just then someone enters. I see Mattheo. We stare at each other confused.

"You are awake".

"And you are in my dorm. Which one is more confused?".

"Uhh ... "

"Where's Tom?".

"I don't ... Know".



"Mattheo answer me. Now".

"At ... The Hospital Wing".

"What?" I threw the cigarette away and was ready to run there but Mattheo stops me.

"He is ok. He didn't get hurt. Someone else did".

"Who did?".

"You won't believe me but it is Bellatrix".


I grab my wand and run down the halls. Mattheo is close behind me. I arrive at the Hospital Wing and storm inside. I see Tom standing there talking with Bellatrix. I just stare at them. Bellatrix was touching Tom's face. I just stare at them. Tom sees me and pulls away. He clears his throat. Bellatrix looks at me and softly smiles. I walk near them and stand next to her bed.


"It's ok, princess. It's ok. You can go through that".

"How did you ... How are you dying? What happened?" she looks at Tom. Tom nods and Bellatrix looks back at me. "It was Potter, Yn.



"He's fucking dead".

"Calm down, princess" I stare at her. She's dying. So many years I was living in a fake storyline. I met her a few months ago. Now that I found her, now I'm gonna lose her.

"I love you, mom" I say in a really low voice. The boys and Bellatrix stare confused at me. "I am sorry. I should be there to protect you. To fight against, Potter" I say in a REALLY low voice.

"It's not your fault, Yn. It's ok. I promise you".

I softly nod. I stop listening her heartbeat. I stare at her lifeless body. Pain running through my veins. The boys stare at me confused. I keep my stare at Bellatrix. One last time for tonight. For forever.

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