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Tom Riddle POV

Yn runs out of the Hospital Wing. Before I run behind her, Mattheo stops me. I try to leave again but he stops me again. I stare at him confused. He does me a sign to follow him. I sigh and nod. We walk at his dorm. We both see Theodore there.

"Take a seat".

"What is going on, Mattheo?".

"Sit down, Tom" I sigh and sit down, staring at him angrily.

"I should be with Yn right now and not here".

"I want to talk to you for Yn" I stare confused.


"About what I heard before I go in your dorm".

"What could be so important?".

"Her nightmare".



"Why is a nightmare so important? I mean, ok. We can calm her down but what could possibly-"

"It was about us 2 and Bellatrix".


"Before I enter your dorm, she was asleep. I could hear her talking to herself. Talking while she was asleep".


"And let's say that I entered her mind".

"She is gonna kill you if she finds out but tell me what you saw".

"We had graduate from Hogwarts. We took her and went her into a house. She doesn't know that yet but that house was our" I stare confused.

"You mean ... "

"Yes. Merope's old house".

"Shit. What happened?".

"We entered and then Bellatrix appeared".

"Did Bellatrix killed her?".

"We all did".


"You, me and Bellatrix point our wands at her. I'm not quite sure if she died but we all Avada Kedavra her ass".

"I gotta see what she is doing".

Before I have the chance to walk outside, Yn walks inside and points her wand at Mattheo's throat.

"Yn w-"

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU READ MY MIND?" Mattheo gulps and looks at me.

"I ... Uhh ... A little help, guys?".

"Yn. Hey. Let's go back to our dorm. I'll talk with Mattheo about it later. Ok?" she looks at me and after back to Mattheo.

"Don't read my mind never again. Understand?".

"I promise you".

"Good" with that she storms out of the dorm. Theodore and I softly laugh.

"I warned you".

I rush behind Yn. I reach her. She was angry as hell with Mattheo but he tried to help her.

"Calm down, princess. Everything's gonna be fine. I promise you to my life".

"I just got scared".

"I know. Let's go back to our dorm so we can sleep. Mhm?".


"Let's go".

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