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I have change into my clothes for tonight. I wear my school skirt, long shocks and a white t-shirt but the buttons are not all of them button till up. Tom and I walk down the halls. He keeps his stare low. He wasn't looking at me like he hated me or something.


"What?" his voice stern. He lifts his head and stares at me angrily.

"Did something happen? Did I do something and you are so angry?".


"Then what happened?".

"Nothing, Yn. Forget it".

"Tommy" I stop him and he scoffs and looks at me. Anger in his eyes.

"What again, Alarie?".

"Alarie? You never call me the last days Alarie".

"Time for a change".


"Let's just go".

I stare at him as he walks away angrily. I follow quietly behind him. As we enter he goes and sits at Pansy. Next to her. I stare at her angrily but then look at Tom who's talking with her. Mattheo comes and stands next to me. He stares at Tom as well.

"Why is he doing that?" I ask.

"Let's go somewhere else. Yeah?".


Mattheo and I go and sit a bit away from them. I keep my stare at them. They are really close.

"Yn, forget about it".

"I'm fine".

Mattheo goes and takes us drinks. We start talking till I saw Tom and Pansy kissing. I felt tears forming in my eyes.


"I'll be back in a few minutes. Ok?".

I look at Tom on last time. He was looking at Pansy confused. He looks at me as I run outside. Mattheo stares at him angrily.

Mattheo Riddle POV

Yn runs outside. I stare at Tom angrily. He was looking confused like he hadn't kiss a few seconds ago Pansy. I storm near him, grabs him and push him at the wall as hard as I can.

"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?" lucky of me the music was loud enough and no one could hear me.

"I didn't-"


"I didn't want to done this, Mattheo. I didn't. I don't even know why I kissed her. I don't even like her".

"DON'T FUCKING LIE TO ME, YOU BASTARD" I start punch him. His nose starts bleeding uncontrollably while a few students pull me away from him. "I warn you, Tom. Don't you dare to go near her never again. Understand? NEVER AGAIN".

I storm out of there and try to find Yn. Where could she being? I rush at her dorm but she is not there.

"The Astronomy Tower".

I run as fast as I could there. When I climb up I hear sobs. Yn's sobs. I take a few more steps before she talks again.

"I want to stay alone" I stare at her back. "Please" her voice broke but she didn't stutter.

"I can help you to calm down a bit".

"I'm fine. I'm gonna be fine" she doesn't turn around not even for a minute.

"Yn I-"

"I WANT TO STAY ALONE" she breaks down crying. "Please Theo. I-I ... Fuck" she curses under her breath.

"It's ok to cry".

"No it's not. Not over Tom" I go and sit down next to her. "Why? He knows that she and I are enemies".

"I have no idea but you don't have to cry over him. He is stupid as fuck".


"May I?" she nods.

I pull her over my hug and let her cry. She needs it. She has to relax.

Tom Riddle POV

When Mattheo storms out of the room I turn and look at Pansy angrily.

"I didn't want to-"

"Shut up Parkinson. What did you do to me?" she softly laughs.


"What spell did you do to me?"

"Something that made you want me".


"Isn't it obvious? Yn is a bitch and deserves the worst. You should be with someone else so I gave you a chance to leave her".

"You're insane".

"For you".


And I storm out of there trying to find Yn. I know where she could possibly be. At the Astronomy Tower. She loves going there when she is upset. I run up there but hear 2 students talking. As I climb up I see Yn laying on Mattheo's chest crying. I felt really bad but that wasn't my mistake. It was Pansy who did everything. I just stand there and listen to them.

"I gave him a chance. I was the only one that didn't push him away because of who his father was. I helped him change. He wanted to change. What changed now? Did he change that much that doesn't need me anymore? Did I ... Do something and he acted liked that?".

"You definitely didn't do anything, Yn. You know my brother".

"Your brother is an asshole".

"Yeah. That's true but you love him".

"He keeps destroying that. That was his last chance".

As I heard it, I shake my head even if they couldn't see me. Mattheo turns his head and sees me. I climb back down and run back to my dorm but I can hear them till talking before I leave that away.

"Is someone here?".

"No. I thought I heard something but it's nothing".


I go to my dorm and slam the door. I can't lose her. No because of Pansy. That bitch is gonna pay for that. I love Yn. I really do. Yn has change me. I became better. I think. At least I'm not like my father. She helped me a lot with that. If she wasn't, Voldemort would have killed everybody around the school and Mattheo and me either. He wouldn't care. Not for us, not for anyone. For first time to my life I learned how is to being loved from someone else except my own brother. I can't lose Yn because of Pansy. I was under a spell. I hope she understands what really happened cause I don't know what I'll do if I lose her.

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