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Bellatrix Lestrange POV

I transfer at Yn's, Tom's and Mattheo's house. As I arrive, I see the door open. Billy arrived. I run inside.


"Hey. Billy" he turns around and sees me. He runs to me and hugs me. I pick him to my hug. "How's my boy?".


"That's it".

"Where're my parents?".

"Uhh ... They had to leave for a while. I'll have you for the next ... Week I hope".

"Week? But I thought that they would be here".

"I'm sorry, Billy. There were problems and they had to leave".

"Problems with what?" I stare at him. I can't tell him without Mattheo's permission.

"I'll have to ask your father about it. I can't tell you just yet".


"Because it's a really serious subject that we don't know if you can handle yet. You are 12 years old".

"Nearly 13, aunt".

"Right. July".


"Let's go home and you will meet my sister".


"Of course. Let's go".

I take his suitcase and transfer back to my house. We enter and Billy runs inside. He stops when he saw Davina.

"Billy, she's Davina. My sister. Davina, he's Billy. Yn's son".

"Nice to meet you, Billy" Billy looks at me and I nod. He smiles at Davina.

"Nice to meet you, aunt" Davina smiles.

"Well. It's time for bed. Brush your teeth but don't make too much noise. Axel fall asleep" I say.

"Ok, aunt. Goodnight".

"Goodnight" Davina and I say. He runs upstairs as quiet as possible. I look at Davina and she looks back to me.

"Did he ask?".

"Of course he did. I didn't tell him tho. I have to take permission from Mattheo to tell him anything".

"True tho".

"I don't know. I hope Yn lives because if she doesn't, then will be a lot of troubles".

"I know".

"If Yn lives?" Davina and I turn around and see Billy standing there shocked. "What happened with my mom?" I look at Davina.

"Give me a minute to ask your father if I can tell you and after I'll tell you everything. Ok?" I see tears forming in his eyes. I pick him to my hug as he sobs. I call Mattheo.

"Bellatrix? What happened?".

"It's about Billy. He heard me and Davina talking and he wants to learn".

"Shit. Is he that I hear sobbing?".


"I'm on my way".

"Thank you" we hang it. "Dad is on his way. He will explain everything to you. Ok?".


Mattheo Marvolo Riddle POV

"Fuck" Tom looks at me. His eyes red and puffy.

"What happened? Who is sobbing?".

"Billy" that took his attention.

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