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Yn Emma Lestrange POV

Hermione guides at where Lupin is at the moment. While we arrive we were talking. She is actually a really good girl. I never thought that she is gonna be that good. She was with Potter and Ron. Those 2 bastards destroy her. They used her but she is smarter. She believes. She knows the truth and helped me out. I have to do something back for her no matter what it will be.

A few minutes later we arrive out of a house. I stare at it and after at Hermione. She looks at me either. She nods at me and I nod back at her. I'm not sure about it. Lupin and I didn't end our conversation back at Hogwarts. He maybe wants to talk to me about it again. So he will be sure that I won't say anything to anyone.

"You're ready? If you don't want to go, I can say that you felt sick".

"No. It's ok, Hermione. Thank you".

"You're welcome. If you need anything just call for me and I'll be here in less than a minute".

"Thank you" she nods and disappears. "Alright. Let's do this".

I take a deep breath and walk up the stairs (out of the house). I arrive out of the door. I'm stressed. I admit it. I take another deep breath and knock the door. It opens and I see ... Lupin? No. Sirius Black. I stare at him.

"Yes?" he hasn't seen me never again to his life but I have heard about him.

"Uhh ... Hi".


"I'm Yn and ... "

"And ...?"

"Is professor Lupin here?".

"REMUS?" professor Lupin walks there and looks at me.

"Yn. Hermione informed you. I'm glad".

"Yeah" I look back at Sirius and after back at professor Lupin again.

"Right. Sirius, she is Yn Emma Lestrange. Yn, he is Sirius Black".

"So you're the girl the he is always talking about" I look confused.


"Ok. Sorry" Sirius walks in the house.

"You wanted to see me, professor?".

"I think we don't need to talk like professor and student but like friends".

"Uhh ... Yeah. Right".

"Wanna come in?".

"Sure, I guess".

"Come in" I walk inside and he closes the door behind me.

I look at him. He walks in front and straight down the hall. I follow close behind him. We enter at the kitchen. Sirius is sitting there, eating and writing something. I stare at him.

"C'mon. We will sit at the living room" I nod and follow him at the living room. We sit down and I look at him.

"Why did you want to see me?".

"I wanted we talk about something".

"About what?".

"For Hogwarts?" I stare at him confused.


"Yeah. I mean ... About ... The Death Eater thing" I sigh.

"What about it?".

"I wanna learn everything about it. About you".


"Cause you know about my werewolf side. I wanna know about your Death Eater side".

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