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Yn Emma Lestrange POV

I slept the night at my dad's house. The next morning I woke quite early but of course late enough for Snape to be moody like always. He gives me coffee. When I drank it, we transfer back to my house. We walk inside. Tom, Mattheo and the children are at the kitchen eating. As we entered, Tom and Mattheo look shocked that I brought Snape with me. The kids just confused about who is he.

"Good morning" I broke the silence.

"Morning" Tom and Mattheo say the same time, while they are staring at Snape.

"Wait. What is going on here?" Mattheo says.

"Well, yesterday night that I was talking with Tom, he mentioned Snape and I remembered that since we graduated, 10 years ago, I didn't go to talk with him. So I went and we talked about a few stuff".

They look each other. My stare fell at Bellatrix's neck. She has a small scar. I walk near her and stare at it. Tom's spell. I look at him and he lowers his stare.

"Mind to explain me why she has a damn scar to her neck?" I cross my arms and stare at him.

"Uhh ... How do you know that it was me?".

"Only you make this type of scars" he just stares at me.

"Well, I-"

"It was my mistake, mom" we all look at Bellatrix.


"I ... I said something that I shouldn't say and got dad really angry" Tom and Bellatrix look at each other. "Dad isn't responsible about my scar" I softly smile and shake my head.

"You're ok? That's what I care about".


"Good. So ... Who's ready to go shopping?".

"ME" Billy and Bellatrix throw their hands on the air.

"Go change and I'll wait you here".

They both stand up and run upstairs. I shot a glare at Tom and he lowers a bit his stare.

"Wanna tell me what happened? Why does she has a scar on her neck?".

"She told you".

"The reason? What did she say?" they look at each other.

"Something about ... "

"Tom" Mattheo completes Tom's sentence.


"Yes. She said something that shouldn't about Tom and like you know my brother has serious anger issues".

"Hey" Tom stares at Mattheo.

"Shut up. I'm trying to help".

"Well you don't" I say and they both look at me. "Well, listen what is about to happen. I'm gonna take our children and go with them to buy stuff about Hogwarts. You 2 think of a way to tell me what happened with my daughter. Understand or do I need to write it down for you?".

"Understand" they both say.

"I hope so. Dad, are you gonna stay here or ... "

"Yes. I have to say a few things with the boys" the boys look at Snape and Snape looks at the boys.

"About ... What?" Tom says.

"You will have to wait till Yn and the kids leave" he sits down. The kids run downstairs.



"Good. Bellatrix, come for a minute near me" she comes near me. I place my wand at her neck and the scar disappears. "Better. Catch my hands" they both catch my hands. "Let's go".

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