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It's been a few days that Tom and I argued about him cheating on me. Theodore and I have been good friends. Mattheo either. Mattheo and Theodore have become friends. It sounds crazy. I know. Mattheo isn't friend with anyone except me. Now he is with Theodore too. To say the truth Mattheo and I have come really close since that argument that I had with Tom. We became ... Really close. I think I have start catching feelings for him but I don't know. I really down know anymore. I'm sitting at the common room. It's late enough for a walk. 3 am. I heard a sound and turn my head. I see Theodore. He looks at me confused and comes and sits next to me.

"Yn? Why are up so early?".

"I don't know" I sit back at the sofa and stares at the ceiling. "I'm thinking".


"A boy".

"Mhm. Do I know him?".

"Yeah. He is a Slytherin".


"No. Tom is ... It's not Tom. I'm not thinking about Tom".

"Then who? Malfoy?".


"Then? C'mon. Tell me".

"I'm thinking about Mattheo" I turn my head and look at him. He stares at me confused.

"What about him?".

"I ... Don't know" I look back at the ceiling.

"You caught feelings, didn't you?".

"Yeah. You can describe that like that".

"Why don't you tell him that? He is crazy for you".

"Cause I don't know how to feel about Tom either".

"Meaning what?".

"They have fought about me at the past. While Tom and I were in a relationship. I, of course, had choose Tom but now the situation is more complicated".

"What stops you from talking with Mattheo?".


"How does he stop you?".

"I don't know".

"You confuse me with each new sentence that you add at this conversation" I softly chuckle. "Mind to explain to me what do you mean?".

"I don't know what I mean. I am confused with my feelings for Tom. I love Mattheo but something stops me from talking to him about it. He is gonna be happy. I will be happy either but then I remember everything that Tom and I have gone through and feel bad that I'm gonna go with his brother".

"You shouldn't. If he actually loves you, he will understand. Also I think he had a reason and kisses Pansy. Don't get me wrong. I think Pansy drugged him somehow".

"I have thought about it. That's why the situation is complicated".

"Leave the past behind you and talk with Mattheo. I know for sure that he is not gonna hurt you no matter what will happen. He is in love with you since you and Tom got into a relationship".


"Go and talk to him" he stands up and I stare at him. "Talk to him before Pansy thinks about drugging him either" I nod. "And fell asleep. Your eyes look tired. Goodnight".

"Goodnight Theodore".

He nods and walks away. I stay for a bit more there. I don't know what to do. I take my wand, pull it to my pocket and leave the common room. I go at the Astronomy Tower and climb up. When I reach up, I saw smoke and a boy sitting there. The only boys that are smoking are Mattheo and Theodore. That's Mattheo. Definitely. He immediately throws the cigarette away and stands up. He lets out a deep breath when he saw that it was me.

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