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Yn Emma Lestrange POV

I'm laying at the bed. No one is at home. Tom, Mattheo and Bellatrix took the babies and go at the park. I have a headache and didn't want to go with them. Memories that I didn't even remember came crashing back to my mind. I don't know why are those memories important.


It's the third year of Hogwarts. I'm at my dorm when someone knocks my door. I open it and it's Draco.

"Draco. Hey. What are you doing here?".

"Came to see my best friend" I smile.

"Come in" he walks inside. His footsteps were slow. Something that shows me that something happened with his father. "Draco?" I close the door and rush near him. I sit him down at my bed.


"What happened? Did he hurt you again?".

"No. It's nothing" I stare at him. "What?".

"Don't bullshiting me, Draco. I know that something happened. Turn around. I wanna check your back".

"I'm fine".

"You're not fine. Turn around. Now".

He sighs and turn around. He takes off his robe and his shirt. I see multiple cuts and dry blood to his back.


"I didn't come here so you can treat me. I came to see you".

"I know but I'm gonna treat you want it or not" he sighs.

"As you wish".

I grab my wand and start treating his back. All the blood and cuts went away. Not even a scar stayed at his back.

"Thank you" he turns around. He wears his shirt and Slytherin robe. He sits down again and I sit next to him.

"You're welcome" I smile at him and he smiles at me. "So. What did you want we talk about?" he stares at me for a few minutes before he looks away. "Draco?".

"I ... Uhh ... "

"Draco, what happened? You can tell me" he shakes his head.

"I want to apologize about it".

"About what?".

"About ... Something that I'm gonna do".

"I can't understand you".

"You are keeping me back" I stare at him confused. "I mean ... "

"Draco" I understood what he wanted to say. What he was trying to say.

"I can't being friends with you" the time that he told that, my whole world crashed. I just stare at him, ready to cry but I didn't let the tears to roll down.

"Why?" my voice wasn't shaky which I'm happy about it.

"We ... "

"It's about your father, isn't it?" he just stares at me and after shakes his head.


"I can see right through your lies, Draco".

"Maybe it is but I want it either" that destroyed me at all. He shouldn't have said that.

"Ok" my voice threatens me to turn into a shaky one.

"I'm sorry".

"No worries. It's ok" it finally broke (my voice). "Fuck".

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