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I don't know how long I'm out. The only that I know is that I just woke up and I'm sore. I feel awful. I look from my right side and see Tom and Mattheo sleeping at a chair. Actually Mattheo was asleep. Tom was waiting anxiously for me to wake up. He was holding my hand. I haven't see him showing emotions never again to my life.

When he felt me moving my hand he looks up. His brown eyes, that everybody can get lost in them, light up when they see me. He was happy. He looked like he was happy.

"Oh my Merlin. You're alive".

"Of course. I'm not gonna die that easy" he softly chuckles and I smile. I try to move but groan in pain.

"Hey hey hey. You must stay still. Madam Pomfrey said that you have to stay here for at least a week".

"Well damn".

"It's for your own good".

"I know" I look over to Mattheo.

"He was up till late" I look at Tom as he looks at Mattheo. "He was worried sick for you" he looks back to me. "He really loves you" my smile fades and I lower my head. "Sorry. I didn't want to destroy it" he lets my hand and sits back down.

"No. Don't worry. It's ok".

We stay in awkwardly silence for a while. We stare at each other time to time but nothing more.

"Look. I know that I was such an idiot and I also know that whatever I said and did was the worst thing that I could ever done. I shouldn't yell at you. You did nothing at me but ... I regretted that. I messed up badly. I know. I don't deserve your forgiveness but I need it" he takes my hand to his. I look up at him. "Yn you are the best thing that has happen to me in ages. I fucking loved you and I destroyed everything because of my anger".

"You didn't destroy anything" I softly smile. He shakes his head.

"I did destroy everything. We would have work but after what happened ... "

"We can still being together. If I change of being no one back to your girlfriend" he softly smiles. "Friends with benefits".

"No girlfriend?".

"Bad memories of it" he softly nods.

"Anything for you".

I softly smile and he smiles back to me. We see Mattheo moving and Tom pulls a bit back. As Mattheo opens his eyes and sees me, he looks confused at first but after smiles. Wide smile.

"For Merlin's shake. You are alive".

"I told you guys. I can't die that easy. I need a lot more than that".

They laugh and I smile back.

"How are you feeling?" Mattheo asks.

"I have been better".


"I'm ok. I'll get better".

"That's perfect".

Just then Snape walks inside with McGonagall. We all turn and look at them. How did they know that I'm awake that fast? They were away from us.

"How are you feeling, Yln?" Snape asks me.

"Of course I'm in pain but I'm ok".

"That's good".

"We own you a big thank you, Yln. You saved not only us but the whole Hogwarts" McGonagall says.

"I had to help somehow" she nods.

"Yln I found your wand. Your brother's wand" Snape says and gives me my wand. I take it and softly smile but then my smile fades. If he found it then he knows. I look up at him.

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