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I leave Belatrix and Marcus and walk back at the boys. I mustn't say anything about Belatrix being my mother. Not yet at least. Later on. When I arrive closer to them, they all stand up.

"Yn? Everything is ok?" Mattheo says.

"Yes. Why?".

"You look ... "

"You are pale" Blaise says.

"Like a ghost" Theodore says.

"Thank you for the description, guys. Shall we go back at school? Everybody think that you are dead".


"Catch hands".

We all catch hands and transfer back to school. At the Great Hall. It was dinner time. The professors stand up and Snape walks quickly near us. Tom runs there either.

"Alarie?" Snape says.

"I'll explain, professor".

"Follow me to my office, Alarie" I nod. Snape walks in front.

"He is alive, Tom. Mattheo is alive. It was all a game".

"A game from who?" Tom says. I look at the boys and they all look back.

"I'll tell you everything when I finish with Snape. Ok? Y'all go back to your dorms and rest. Mattheo, don't say a word. Understand?".



I quickly walk at Snape's direction. I reach him and walk next to him. We arrive at his office and sit down.

"Explain the situation to me, Alarie".

"First I gotta ask you something, professor. Do you know who my mother and father are?".

"Katherine Ivanov and Ace Yln. W- ... Yln? Wait. What?".

"Exactly. Different last name".

"I can't understand".

"Do you know the mother of Tom and Mattheo?".

"Yes. I taught you that. Did you forget?".

"I didn't. It's Merope. We all thought that it was Belatrix. Right?".

"Yes. Why?".

"How ... How can a mother leave her daughter for good and show affection at the sons of the dark Lord?".

"I can't understand what you are saying".

"Belatrix is my mother. Marcus Alarie is my father".


"Belatrix is my mother".

"How did you learn about it? It could be all lies".

"She told me that. My father either. My so much called sister told me that either. Jessica had the boys. When I arrived there, I saw Marcus- ... I saw my father with them. They were all tied. Jessica is dead. When I woke up-"

"Woke up?".

"I had a few difficulties".

"Ok. Continue".

"When I woke up, I untied them and go a bit away with Marcus to talk about ... The whole situation with the family subject. I asked him about my mother. He told me that it's Belatrix. Then Belatrix appeared behind us".

"You killed her?".

"No. Any of them. Marcus and Belatrix are alive".

"How's that?".

Triangle Problem Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora