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I manage to stop crying around 3 o'clock. Yes. 3 at the night. What's the matter? I wanted to cry. Do you have a problem with that? I hope not. Anyway. Back to the subject.

Mattheo walks to my bed at 6:30 o'clock in the morning to wake me up. I groan as he shakes me to wake. I hate the morning. Couldn't I sleep forever? Now you will say that then I would be dead. Good thinking. Keep thinking like that. You smartass bitch.

I go to the bathroom and change into my Slytherin robe. As I walk back into the room I see Mattheo putting on a shirt.

"For Merlin's shake. Warn me the next time, Riddle".

"Or you can just ask if I am ready".


"But looks like you like seeing me like that" I just stare at him. "Mhm?".

"Hell no".

He scoffs. I take my wand and we walk at Potions class. Guess who's the professor. Correct. Severus Snape. I can't go away from that guy can I? Ugh.

We enter the class and we were slightly late. Snape didn't bother to shots us a death stare but I can say that he didn't care at all for me and Mattheo. He does us a sign to sit down and we did. I try to sit away from Tom but Mattheo pushes me down so now I'm sitting between them. Great. This day can't go any better. I shot Mattheo a death stare as he smirks and opens his book just like I did.

"Amortentia. Does anybody knows what this is?" he looks at me. "Yln?".

"Love potion that causes a powerful infatuation or obsession in the drinker".

"Describe it better".

"Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them".

"Very well, Yln".

"Can someone tells me the essence of a love potion?" he keeps staring at me. That guy wants to kill me and I didn't even do anything at him. I raise my hand this time. He looks around the class. Nobody is raising his hand. "Yln".

"Powerful infatuations can be induced by the skilful potioneer, but never yet has anyone managed to create the truly unbreakable, eternal, unconditional attachment that alone can be called Love" he nods at me. Tom and Mattheo turn and look at me.

"The effects?" Tom and I raise our hands. "Riddle".

"It had a different aroma for everyone who smelt it, reminding each person of the things that they found most attractive, even if the person did not acknowledge or was unaware of their fondness for the object of their affection themselves".

"Very well".

"Characteristics" no one raises their hands. "Granger".

"I don't know professor" I try to hold back my laughter.

"Find something funny, Yln?".

"No professor".

"Tell me the characteristics, Yln".

"Mother-of-pearl sheen, Spiralling steam, Scent is multi-faceted and varies based on what the person likes" I stare at him daring him to say that it was wrong. He stares at me.

"Come in front, Yln" I look confused but did anyway. "Smell it and tell us what did you smell" I smell it once but didn't smell anything.

"Uhh ... Nothing" he stares at me. Tom and Mattheo look at each other and after me.

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