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I look up when I felt a stare on me. Oh hell no. He can't be here now.

"P-Professor Snape?" Draco pulls immediately his tears away and turns around to face Snape.

"What are you 2 doing here?".

"We ... We were just talking" Draco says.

"You should be to your dorms. It's late enough and I should give you detention".

"I don't think that essential, professor" I say.

"Why not, Yln?".

"Draco did nothing wrong. He just needed to talk to me. If you want to give detention to someone then give detention to me. Not to him".

"Of course. Come find me at my office tomorrow right before the dinner, Yln. I wanna talk to you and you, Malfoy, better stay to your dorm tonight".

"Yes professor" I look at Draco. He is definitely not good psychological.

"I'll keep an eye open for you 2 at the halls. Stay in the common room".

He walks away and Draco lets out a sigh.

"I better get going".

"We are both Slytherins. We will go at the common room and sit there so you can tell me what happened. Ok?".

"It's ok, Yn".

"It's not ok. I know you, Draco. You are not ok".

"I am".

"Let's go. I'm not listening anything more".

Draco nods at me. We both walk at Slytherin common room. We enter and sit at the sofa in front of the fire. We turn so we can look at each other.

"You can tell me".

"Yn, I'm ok. Really".

"Well I don't think you are. You don't seem ok".

He nods at me and starts telling me what happened with his father. That bastard wants to die and I'm gonna take care of it. Draco can't do anything against him but that doesn't go for me. I'm gonna fucking kill him. Draco doesn't deserve that life.

"Where's your father now?".

"Probably at a class" I stare at him confused. "Ok. He is at Snape's class searching for something".

"Searching for what?".

"I don't know. I am not someone to talk about that stuff".

"Ok. Go to rest. Ok? Go to sleep. You need to rest".


"I'll see you tomorrow".

"Goodnight Yn. Thank you for tonight".

"Of course. Anytime. Goodnight Draco".

He stands up and walks at his dorm. His father is gonna fucking regret everything. I fight with everything inside of me not to go at Snape's class.

"Fuck it".

I stand up, take my wand at my hand and walk as fast as I can at Snape's class. I enter slowly trying not to make too much noice. I see Lucius standing there looking out of the window. Why? He didn't turn around but he definitely heard me.

"Hello, Yln".

"You bastard. How can you do that to Draco".

"He deserves it" he turns around to face me.


He avoids it. That got him angry and we start fighting. He is powerful. Really powerful. One of the bests wizards that I have ever fight with.

"CRUCIO" he yells but I avoid it.


He didn't manage to avoid it. I stare at him as he fell slowly at the floor. I walk closer to him. He's dead. I hide and erase every evidence that would put me in danger of going in Azkaban. I run away as fast as I can. I enter the Slytherin common room and run down the hall to enter to my dorm. Before I have the chance to enter someone called for me.

"Yn?" I turn around and see Mattheo. I start to calm.

"Oh. Theo?".

"Hey. Umm ... Sorry. I didn't come. I had a fight with Tom and ... "

"Don't worry. I understand. I'm not angry or something".


"Don't worry about it. Is that all you wanted to say?" I hope he didn't see me with Lucius.

"Yeah. Is something wrong? You look ... Stressed and scared at some point".

"No. Nothing is going on".

"You sure? Your hands are shaken and ... Is that ... Blood to your-"

"I gotta go. Goodnight Theo".

I run in my dorm and close the door behind me. Shit. I forgot about Tom. As I entered I came face to face with him. His face full of worry about me. He noticed the blood and stands up from his bed.

"Yn? What happened?".

"Nothing. I ... I gotta change".

I rush at the bathroom and lock the door behind me. I look myself at the mirror and see blood all over my Slytherin robe. I did a spell to clean it. I don't want all the stares on me tomorrow. Especially when they find out that Lucius is dead. I change into a more comfy outfit. I can't go out there. Tom is gonna start asking questions and I don't want this to happen. I throw water to my face to calm myself down. I managed to do that. I take a deep breath and walk outside. Tom is sitting waiting for me to come out. As I step out of the bathroom he stands up and stares at me. I look at him and make my way to my bed. I lay down trying to hold my tears. Why can't I stop killing people that have done something to someone that I care about?

"Yn?" I don't answer. "Yn please. Can we talk?" I keep don't talking. "I know that you are angry at me but-"

"I'm not angry at you. I just want to sleep" I said in a really quiet voice that it sounded like a whisper.

"Yn please".

"I'm tired" he softly sighs.

"Goodnight and I'm sorry".

A tear roll to my face and I pull my blanket all over my face. I won't allow him to see me crying. He will tell his father. I know that he will. I manage to fell asleep a few hours later. It was hard for me. I can't be comfy by killing people but what Lucius did was ... Was awful. I can't stand looking Draco being sad because of his father.

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