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Mattheo Marvolo Riddle POV

Tom, Bella and I arrive at the library. I look at Tom and he looks at me. We look at the building.

"Ok. Let's do this".

We walk inside and go at the receptionist. We wait for a few minutes till she came.

"How can I help?".

"We want to find a few books but is there in place that we can my daughter?".

"Of course. It's right down the hall".

"Thank you".

We walk down the hall and get into a room. There are a lot of kids here. We place Bella down and walk immediately at the basement. There aren't a lot of people in here. Good.

"We search the name Nicklaus Alarie".


"It's at the third floor" we turn around and came face to face with a girl.

"Excuse me?".

"The wizard's books are at the third floor" we look confused. "I was at Hogwarts as well, boys. I met Nicklaus. He was a Death Eater".


"May I learn your names?" we look each other.

"He's Tom and I'm Mattheo. Riddle" she nods.

"Right" she shows us her Death Eater symbol. We nod. "Follow me".

She guides us upstairs and after at the third floor. She turns and looks at us.

"I don't know where is this book at talks about Nicklaus but I think that it's down that hall".

"Thank you".

"If you need me anything else, I'll be downstairs".

We nod and she walks downstairs. We look each other and nod. We walk down the hall and start searching for any book that talks about Nicklaus.

"Have you found anything?" I ask.

"No. You?".


"Great. This will take decades".


"What?" he looks at me. "You found something?".

"Nicklaus Alarie. Right?".

"Yes. Why?".

"What if we are not searching for Nicklaus Alarie but his nickname?".


"His nickname. No one knew him as Nicklaus except us and Yn. Everyone knew him as-"


"Yes this either but everyone knew him as Shiv".


"Search for Shiv" we look around. "Got it. I found it" I grab the book and sit down. Tom sits next to me. "Let's see".

"Here we are. Nicklaus Alarie. Read".

"Nicklaus Alarie was a wizard who didn't have the chance to graduate due to difficulties. Nicklaus is a self proclaimed evil wizard who longs to bring nightmares to life and make the world a terrible place. However, he is not very good at it, especially since he is fixated on making one person's life a living nightmare. He tries his best to be evil, but he always falls short because he doesn't aim high enough. He was shown to have a soft side towards cute things such as baby ducks, his half-sister Yn Lestrange and this causes him to try and think evil thoughts.

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