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I grab my wand and disappear from the hall. I left the boys and Snape confused. I appear at the Forbidden Forest. Wanna know why? I did cast a spell saying to transfer me where Jessica is at the moment. She is here. Somewhere around here waiting. I keep my wand on hand and continue walking in the dark forest.

"JESSICA? COME OUT HERE, YOU LITTLE BITCH" a spell was ready to hit me but I stop it. I look at the place that the spell came from. Jessica was standing there looking at me. "Why? Why are you doing this?".

"Father's orders".

"Our father is dead".

"No. You are wrong. MY father is dead. That was not your damn father" when she said that everybody stopped. I freeze. I just stay there staring at her shocked. "So you didn't know that" I heard muffled screams and look over there. "STUPEFY".

"CRUCIO" I yell and like it was obvious I did throw her at the ground screaming in pain. When I was sure that she was unconscious, I stop. I heard again muffled screams. "HELLO? WHO IS HERE?".

I walk a bit more into the forest trying to understand who is here and if he is in danger. The muffled screams continued. Suddenly I came face to face with Mattheo, Blaise, Theodore and another man who I don't know who he is. When they see me, they relaxed and softly smile. The man, on the other hand, stares at me shocked/confused. Who is he? I go near them and take the tapes off of their mouths.

"You ok?".

"She left fake bodies" Theodore says.

"She wanted you to come here" Mattheo says.

"Why don't know the reason yet" Blaise says.

"So she can kill you" the man says. We all look at him confused. "What? She told me that".

"Who are you?" I say. He stares at me.


"Marcus Alarie" I turn around and see Jessica.

"What?" I point my wand at her.

"Your father" she smirks when she said that. I look at the man confused. I turn back and look at her. "The one that left you for death".

"That's not true. I didn't leave her for death. I thought she was dead. It was on the fire. You know that, Jessica" Marcus says angrily.

"Who are you gonna believe, Yn? Your sister-"

"You are not my sister".

"Or your father that left you for death?".

"I didn't" Marcus says.

"Who will it be?" Jessica smirks at me and points me her wand either.

"You can get her on ground" I hear Marcus voice in my head. I look at him and he nods. I turn back in front and stare at Jessica. "You are more powerful".

"I don't wanna kill someone again".

"You have to. You know how Jessica is and you know what she can do".

"Why are you helping me?".

"Shouldn't I?".

"You ... "

"Try to stop her and after if we could talk for a bit".

"I ... I don't know".

"Yn please. I have to explain why I wasn't with you so many ages".


"Thank you".

"EXPELLIARMUS" my wand flew away.

"You think that this is gonna make me lose?".

"You can't win me without a wand".

"Continue believing" I have my hand pointing at her and try to concentrate. "AVADA KEDAVRA".


"You think you are that powerful?".

"I am".

"You are a damn Muggle. You shouldn't know anything about magic. You shouldn't have a wand".

"You are either".

"I'm Pureblood".


"Didn't you know that? Cute".

I gave more power into the spell. It took my whole strength away. I look back at the boys. I can see through their fear. I look back in front at Jessica. She stops the spell and I did either. My wand flew back on my hand.

"AVADA KEDAVRA" we both yell at the same time.

I'm hella tired. I don't know if I can win this battle. She is not powerful enough but I don't have much strength for that. My legs start shaken a bit.

"Concentrate" I hear Mattheo saying inside my head.

I took everything that I had in me. I force my whole power to get on the spell and I end it. Jessica fells back. She wasn't moving. She is dead at all. I fell on my knees.

"Yn? Yn. Are you ok?" Mattheo is really worried. I understand him but I can't talk at the moment.

"Yeah. I'm ... " before I says anything else I faint.

Mattheo Riddle POV

I see Yn fainting. Her body fell limb on the ground. She looks lifeless. I can hear her pulse.

"YN. Fucking cuffs" I push on the cuffs trying to break them but nothing is working.

"It's Muggle cuffs. A wizard can't break them" I look at Marcus who's like I heard is Yn's father.

"How do you know that?".

"Jessica had me for years. I was at the Muggle world for 2 years. Now she brought me here so she could take y'all".

"Why? What did she want?".

"To kill Yn".


"I don't know".

I sigh and push on the cuffs again. No success. I sit back and just stare at Yn.

"Who are y'all? Except you. I know you Blaise" Blaise nods.

"I'm Theodore Nott" Marcus nods and after looks at me waiting for me to answer him.

"Mattheo. Mattheo Riddle" I look at him. I see his eyes darken when he heard my last name.


"Yes. Why?" he shakes his head and takes a few deep breaths. He manages to calm down.

"Forget it. You have a brother, haven't you?".

"Yes. Tom".


"How do you know all these about me?".

"I knew your fucking father".


"Yeah. He did destroy everything" I stare at him confused.

"Like what?".

"Nothing. It doesn't concern you anyway".

Theodore looks at me and I look back at him confused. I look at Marcus again. Something is really wrong here.

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