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Yn Emma Lestrange POV

7 o'clock in the morning

Birth. The last thing that I wanted to feel again. That pain. This time 3 times in a row. 3 children came out of me at the same day. Holy fuck.

It's been a few hours. I have fallen asleep and calm myself down. After a few minutes I see Tom, Mattheo and a nurse with 3 babies to their hugs. The nurse place the baby to my hug.

"He's so cute" I whisper.

The nurse walks outside and the boys sit down at the chairs. Each of us have a baby to their hug. I softly smile.

"We had a few thoughts that wanted to ask you about" Tom says.

"I'm listening" I look at both of them.

"About ... The names" Tom continues.

"Just tell me, Tom. You know that I don't have a problem with that".

"Yeah true" he looks at Mattheo.

"So?" he looks back to me.

"Katerina, Amara and Christian".

"Ahhh yeah. Absolutely. I love those names" I look down at my baby boy. "I love those names, guys" I look back at Tom and Mattheo.

"Sorry that I involved to your children names but-"

"You're like my brother, Theo. If you don't get involved who will?".

"Good point but still".

"Thank you" I smile at him and he smiles back at me.

Mariah Delacour POV

I need food. I stand up and go at the market. It's around 6 o'clock the afternoon. I go at the market down the road. As I get in I try to be quick. Chris got out of jail today and I don't wanna meet him again. As I was thinking about it, I see him down the hall. I wear my hood and look down. He didn't see me. Phew. I grab some goldfish, crackers and granola bars and go to pay for them. As I get out of the market I walk as fast as I could but just then I fall up to a man. My food fells down.

"Oh my Merlin. I'm so sorry" he looks at me and after kneels down to give me my food. He hands it back to me.

"Merlin?" he stares at me.

"I meant God. Yeah. I ... "

"Wait. Are you a wizard?" he stares at me confused.

"What? I? Pfft. No. Of course not".

"You don't have to lie to me. I was going at the Ilvermorney" he is now more confused.

"You're a witch?".

"And you're a wizard. Hogwarts?".


"I'm Mariah Delacour".

"Mattheo Marvolo Riddle".

"Tom's brother?".

"Yes but how do you know my brother?".

"Everybody knows about him at Ilvermorney. Actually they all know how Yn saved him from your father".

"Yeah. That's kind of true".

"MARIAH" we both look over the market door. Shit. Chris.

"Who's he?".

"Uhh ... He's ... He's my ex but ... He's kind of my rapist to be honest" I saw that his eyes darkened. He was really angry.

"Your rapist?".

"Yeah" he looks at my stomach.

"He did that?".

"Yes" Mattheo looks at Chris that was walking near us angrily.

"Conjunctivitis" Chris lets out a small scream. He lost his eye sight. I look at Mattheo and after at Chris. "Shouldn't a man like him being at jail?" he looks at me.

"He was. He got out today".

"You still have feelings for him?".

"Of course not. He fucking raped me and b ... " I mustn't say that. Stupid Mariah.

"And?" I look at him. "Mariah, tell me. And what?" I lower my stare but he lifts my head again by placing his fingers on my chin. "You can trust me. I won't say anything and I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch".

"He ... " Mattheo sighs.

"Want me to kill him?" do I?


"Are you sure about it?".

"Yes I am" he nods at me. He turns and looks at Chris again. He points his wand at him.

Mattheo Marvolo Riddle POV

And what Mariah? What could she be hiding? Something terrible. That's the only true. That son of a bitch is gonna pay for everything. I point my wand at him.

"Flipendo. Stupefy. Incendio. Locomotor Mortis. CRUCIO. Avada Kedavra" Mariah and I saw him body falling dead at the ground. I lower my wand but keep my stare at him.

"Thank you" I heard Mariah's voice. She whispered.

"Can you tell me what is going on?" I look at her. She simply nods.

"But not here".

"Anywhere you want but I have to learn the truth".

"Okay. Follow me".

I disappear the body and follow behind her. She guides me near to the beach. I look confused.

"What are we doing here?".

"Uhh ... I'm living here".


"Yes" I look at her confused. "Wanna ... Sit and let me explain?".


We sit down and I look at her. We stay in silence for a few minutes.

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