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Yn Emma Lestrange POV

It's the next morning. I'm feeling sick and I don't know the reason why. My stomach hurts really bad and I don't know what the reason is. I changed into:

My belly is still big tho and I don't know the reason why

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My belly is still big tho and I don't know the reason why. I guess that's why it hurts. Let's hope that that psycho from yesterday didn't do anything serious to me. I walk downstairs to the kitchen. I made coffee for myself and a toast. I sit at the table and stare at nowhere specific. I zoned out for about 10 minutes but then I heard footsteps. I look at my left and see Fleur walking downstairs.

"Good morning, Yn".

"Good morning, Fleur" she sits down. It's like she wants to ask me something.

"Ask me. What is going on?".

"Well ... It's about your brother".

"My what?".

"Your brother in law".

"Oh. Mattheo".


"What about him?".

"Well ... Do you ... Know if he has a girlfriend or something?" I stare confused.

"It's your first day here".

"I know. I'm just asking".

"He's close with someone".

"With who?".

"Why should I tell you?".

"Cause I ask you to".

"Well I'm sorry Fleur but I'm not gonna tell you anything about Mattheo and his love life".

"Yes you will" she stands up and points her wand at me. I point my wand at her as well. I stand up. Suddenly we heard footsteps and saw Tom walking inside.

"What is going on here?" Tom asks.

"She-" Fleur cuts me off.

"She wants to kick me out".

"What? I never said that".

"That's enough, Yn" Tom says.

"Excuse me?".

"That's enough. You have taken it too far this time" I am upset about what he is saying but I manage to keep a calm face.

"That's not my fault, Tom. She c-"

"I don't wanna listen to this. Alright? First Mariah and now Fleur? Seriously, Yn?" Mattheo walks inside because he heard our conversation.

"What is going on here?" Mattheo asks.

"She-" and for once again Fleur cut me off.

"She wants to kick me out".

"I never said that I want to kick her out".

"Yn" Tom says angrily.

"Fuck you, Tom. How could you believe her over me?".

"Cause I know you".

"Well it looks like you don't".

I run upstairs to my room and slam my door close. I heard footsteps and after a knock on my door.

"Not now, Tom".

"It's Mattheo" I sigh.

"Come in" he walks inside and looks at me. He closes the door. He comes and sits next to and turns so we can stare to each other.

"Tell me what really happened".

"She started asking me if you have a girlfriend and when I told her that it's not her business she pointed her wand at me and I did either. Tom doesn't believe me again".

"Yeah. My brother is ... "

"An asshole".

"Yeah. You could call him like that but I would say that he trusts very easily the last years".

"That's kind of true" I sigh. "I wish he was like the Tom that he was back at Hogwarts".

"Uhh ... Yeah. To be honest back at Hogwarts he was better than now".

"Exactly" I sigh again and he looks at me. There is a knock on my door. "Come in" Tom walks inside and I sigh.

"We will talk later. I'm gonna talk to Mariah for Fleur" Mattheo says and walks outside.

"So you persuaded him that Fleur is lying and that you are telling the truth".

"I didn't have to persuade him. He believes me. Unlike you".

"Fleur is right".

"You didn't even let me tell you my side of the story".

"Don't worry. She told me everything".

"Oh yeah? What did she tell you?".

"The truth".

"Which is?".

"Which is that when she got into the kitchen and she sat down you attacked her by saying mean things about her and that she has to leave from here".

"Oh my Merlin. She's crazy. This never happened".

"Yeah sure. Why should I believe that?".

"Why do you even believe her?".

"Cause you're a liar?" I stare at him without talking. He took it too far this time. He seems to understand it because he sighs. "I'm sorry. I ... "

"Can you please leave me alone".

"Yn look, I-"

"I said leave me alone, Tom".

He looks at me and I look back at him. He tries to say something but regrets it. He walks outside and slams my door close. Liar? Seriously? Why? Why would he ever call me a liar?

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