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It's finally the next morning. Not that I slept the night but anyway. I go at the bathroom, wash my face, put on makeup (not much just you know to hide a few stuff that I hate about my face) and just stare at myself at the mirror. I'm for a while in the bathroom and Mattheo knocks on my door.

"How much are you gonna stay in there, Yln?".

I open the door and he stares at me. I let him get in and I walk to my bed. I say to skip breakfast. It's not that important after all. I take my wand and my DADA book and notebook and walk at the library. After all I want to think for a while.

I walk through the halls careful. If any professor would see me then I would probably have troubles. Not like I care at the moment but if that professor was Snape then yes I would care and a lot.

I enter the library and sit at the first table that I found. It's the first time that I'll have a class with Snape. After all it's the second day back to Hogwarts. I can't believe that. Inside of 2 days I fought with Pansy, I killed my father, Tom threatened me, Mattheo threatened me, I fought back the Dementors and even more. All these inside of only 2 days. What is gonna happen next? I hope no a conversation with Riddle because then it would be the death of me. Especially if that Riddle will be Tom.

I got cut off of my thoughts by someone closing my book. Not like I was reading. I look up and see Tom. He was angry. Really angry. It's the first time that I see him like that.


"Stay out of things that aren't your's, Yln. I warn you".


"Yesterday, did you notice something on Snape's arm?" I shallow hardly. He knows and I was true. Shit. "I asked you something".


"What exactly?".

"The dark lord symbol" I whisper.

"Stop doing that. First my conversation with my brother and now this. Stay out of it".

"I did not want to do anything. Just when I saw you talking like that to Snape I thought that you 2 have a connection somehow and the only that I could think about is that Snape is a death eater. I looked at his sleeve and saw it. I promise I didn't mean any harm. I won't say anyone".

"You better not, Yln. It's not like you want to".


"Just do something right for first time to your life" I just stare at him. "Stop staring and say something".

"I can never do anything right, can I?".

Now he stares at me not knowing what to say. I take my book, notebook and wand and walk away as Tom keeps staring at me. I go at the class and sit there waiting for the students and Snape to come in.

It's been a while and the students start coming in. The Riddle brothers walk inside and see me. They sit behind me. Good for me. I don't want to sit with them for the whole year. Then Snape walks inside. He goes at the front of the class and looks all of us.

"Don't change the tables. Don't change the tables" is the only think that I'm wishing inside my head.

Snape looks at me and after Tom and Mattheo. What did he think again? I'm pretty sure something that I won't like or most likely I will HATE. Ugh. Can't he for once to his life become more ... Sensitive towards me?

"The tables are changing. Potter, Hermione and Weasley. Malfoy, Parkinson and Nott. Riddle, Riddle and Yln" he continues with the names as I place my face at my palms and sigh.

"For Merlin's shake. Why with them?".

Tom and Mattheo come and sit at each side of me. I know that Tom told Mattheo about what happened before and as much as I am thinking about it that much I regret everything that I said.

The lesson starts. Dementors. That's what he teached us. How to fight those back. Something new? I already know that. Tom is watching me time to time in the class. It's getting on my nerves but I can't say something. Snape will hear it and I'm gonna have detention. I don't want to have detention.

The lesson goes by and I'm start getting tired. Tired from everything. Not just the subject. Everything at all. Like Tom, Mattheo, Snape, the class at all, my feelings, the flashbacks from yesterday, the threats. Everything. I can't continue the day like that. Please. Something happen so I can lose the next classes. It's the only that I want.

The lesson ended and the class is empty. The only that are still in there is me, the Riddle brothers and Snape. I pack my stuff and try to leave but I heard Snape.

"Yln please stay for a bit more".

I turn around and look at him. The boys are still sitting at their chairs which gets me a bit scared. They stand up and stand next to Snape. Ok. That's more scared than just Snape against me. I take a deep breath and walk back down. I place my stuff at the table and sit down the chair.

"Yes professor?".

"May I ask you what do you know about them and me?".

"The only that I know about them, professor, is that their father is Lord Voldemort and the only that I know about you, professor, is that you are a death eater. At Voldemort's team if I can call it like that".

"She knows a lot. What should we do?".

"I told you what I think" Tom says.

"Isn't she way too innocent for that?" Mattheo says.

"Weren't you innocent when you first got in?" Tom says. Mattheo shuts his mouth. What does Tom means? 

"I think Tom is right. She has to" Snape says.

"Have I what?".

"Catch our hands. We have to transfer" Tom says.

I nod. I haven't other choice after all. We transfer out of a door. I look around confused. Where are we? It's really dark here. We walk inside and my eyes fell immediately at him. Lord Voldemort. Shit. I look scared and try to leave but Tom shakes his head.

When I said that I want something to happen so I lost the other classes I definitely didn't mean that. Let's be clear.

Voldemort stares at me confused. Yes. You don't know me man. Stop staring. You won't remember anything. Snape pushes a bit in front so I start walking. Me, Tom, Mattheo and Snape walk till we stand in front of him (Voldemort). He stares at me.

"Who's she?".

"The girl that we told you about" Mattheo says.

Voldemort's eyes looked like they are gonna explode. Like he wants to kill me right now. It was a mistake. I understand if you want to kill me but please don't kill me. I'm way too young to die. Especially from you.

"You dared and overheard my sons conversation".

"I-I'm s-sorry. I-"

"QUIET" I take a step back scared as he stands up. "You have only one option, girl. Join or die" alright. Now I'm scared as fuck. Join? Join his "pack"? He places his wand to my throat and I close my eyes scared. "What's your name?".

"Yn Yln".

"So Yn. Are you gonna join or am I gonna enjoy your screams for help?" I shallow hardly. I open slowly my eyes so I can look at him. "I'm waiting".

I have to think about it. That's definitely not something that I wanted to happen to my 6th year on Hogwarts. I look up at him slowly not making a fast move. He wants to kill and I don't deny I would rather to die than join him.

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