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It's been the whole summer. It pasted way to fast. I have no idea. If it was through the whole school year I would be bored as hell if I had everyday classes with Snape. It would be the hell of it.

Yesterday was the last day alone at Hogwarts. Finally. Everybody are coming back. I walk through the halls bored as hell like always till I fell up to Snape.

"What're you doing here, Alarie?".

"Just walking around. Nothing much. Why?".

"Nothing. I was coming to inform you. That year you have a lot of classes with me. Every day to be more specifically. I teached you everything the whole summer. I don't want you to disappoint me. You know everything but don't say anything to anyone. Understand?".

"I understand".

"Good. You can go".

I nod and walk away from him. I walk quickly at my dorm. I tidy up a bit. It was a chaos. I don't know how Tom can keep that dorm so clean. I mean it's impossible. For me. Anyway.

It's been a few hours. The train finally arrives at Hogwarts. I stay at my dorm waiting for Tom to come back. The door finally opens and I see Tom. When he saw me he runs to me and I hug him tight.

"Oh my Merlin, Tom".

"I didn't see you at the train and I thought you changed school".

"I could never".

He smiles at me and kisses me. We touch our foreheads together and stay like this for a few minutes till someone knocks on the door. We split apart.

"Come in".

Mattheo walks inside and smiles at me. I run at him and hug as tight as I had hug Tom.

"How are you?".

"I'm a lot better".


We split apart and I look at Tom. He was looking around the dorm and after at me confused.

"Did I do something?" he asks.

"No. Why?".

"It's ... Clean".

"Funny. I knew you would say that so I tied up a bit. Nothing much".

"When did you come here?" Mattheo asks me. I look at him and remember what Snape told me.


"You will say that you were at the Hospital Wing the whole summer. You got out of there 1 week ago and didn't want to leave just for a week. You had break your arm and leg. Alright?".

"Alright professor".

End of the memory

"I didn't".


"I didn't leave Hogwarts the whole summer".

"Why?" Tom asks.

"I was at the Hospital Wing. I had a broken leg and a broken arm. I got out 1 week ago and didn't want to leave just for a week".

"Wait. What?".

"Yeah. Voldemort had break a few bones in me".

"Are you ok now?".

"I'm perfectly fine. Don't you see it?".

"Yeah. I do".

I smile at them and they smile back. I look over to Tom thinking why would he say that Belatrix was his mother and not Merope. Something isn't right to me. I look over his hand and see the ring. Like the photo.

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