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Yn Alarie POV

It's the last class. Mattheo and Tom told me that they want to talk to me about something at the dinner. I'm not feeling like eating but I can't not to eat. I must eat for the baby and I also have to go so I can talk with them. I don't know. I'm thinking about the abortion thing. I know that they both won't want it. They will hate it. I better done this before they find out about it and especially before it borns.

The class finally came to an end. I go to my dorm and left my books. I take my wand, place it on my pocket and walk down the hall so I can go at the Great Hall for dinner. I'm feeling awful. Like I'm gonna throw up again. It doesn't matter. The boys want to talk to me so I gotta go.

I arrive seconds later. I spot the boys and walk near them. They had left an empty seat between them but I sit on the other side of the table. They stare at me and I stare back at them.

"So. You wanted to talk to me about something".


"We have to discuss about something important".

"Which is?".

"I found this" Tom pulls at the table the pregnancy test and I look shocked. He pulls it into his pocket again.


"Yesterday. When you fall asleep" I gulp.

"Why you didn't tell us anything?" Mattheo says.

"I ... Was thinking about ... A-Abortion".

"What?" they both say. I just stare at them.

"Why?" Tom says.

"Uhh ... "

"Yn?" Mattheo says.

"I don't know who from you 2 is the father and I thought that you wouldn't want it".

"Excuse me?".

"Of course we want it".

"How could we not want it?" I struggle to answer. I don't know what to say.

"Yn please. Listen to me. Yes we are young and we understand your fear. It's not like we are not scared about it but in 2 months we are graduating from Hogwarts".

"He means that you don't have to worry about a professor finding it out".

"Yeah. That's what I meant".

"N-No" I try to keep my tears.


"What do you mean no?".

"I can't become a mother".

"Why?" I just stare at them.


"I ... I gotta go" I stand up and run away. I don't know what's got into me. I can't think clear? I don't know. That's not me. I'm not like I was and I don't know why I'm like that.

I rush at the library and sit there. I don't know what to do, what to think, what to say. I feel awful. I hear footsteps behind me and pull immediately my tears away but I can't control my shaky voice.

"Alarie?" I turn around and see Snape. Great. That's what I needed right now.

"Yes professor" I manage to calm my voice.

"Why are you here?".

"Uhh ... I had to think about something".

"What exactly?".

"I can't ... Tell you ... About that".

"How's that?" I just stare at him. "Look Alarie. It's the last 2 months. Don't disappoint me".

"Of course not, professor. I just wanted to think about something. Nothing important".

"I hope so".

I nod. He walks away and I sit back down. I let a sigh out

"What am I gonna do?" I say to no one specifically.

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