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"YN YOU ARE GONNA BE LATE" my father yells from downstairs.


I take my wand and run downstairs.

"You are gonna be fucking late".

"I'm leaving. Jeez".

"I'm not driving you".

"Don't worry. I got a ride at the station anyway. I don't want you there".

"Just go".

"I fricking hate you".

He shots me a glare and I walk outside. I transfer at the train station. In 10 minutes the train is leaving. I have to rush. I go through the wall and walk straight forward by pushing a first year witches that were on my way. I finally made it at the train and find a cabin to sit alone. Oh yeah. And by the way no one really likes me at Hogwarts. I'm way too selfish to become friends with someone. I don't know why they believe that but whatever. I don't care. I never cared about it. Why would I now? Right? Uhh ...

Anyway. Whatever. I stay to my cabin alone and read a book about dark magic. I always liked to learn about dark magic. I don't know why. I just like that a lot. Like I relate at that. That's what my father was always saying. I have a dark soul. I'm dark. I never really understood that but I guess that's why I got sorted into Slytherin after all. It knew something.

I'm for like 50 minutes in the train when the train finally stops. I put my book into my backpack and walk outside. I don't know why everybody was looking at me. Scared? Why? What did I do after all? I have done nothing to them.

Anyway. I walk through the halls and straight down to the Great Hall. As I walk down the table to sit down my eyes fell on the Riddle twins. Tom and Mattheo Riddle. They stare at me upside down. Ok. Yes. I did a glow up in the summer break but it's not that much. I guess it's about the hate between us.

I look around our table and the only empty place to sit is next to Mattheo. Fuck. C'mon. Why are you doing this to me? I sigh and walk near him. As I sit down he turns and looks at me. I look back at him and he looks at Tom (Tom is sitting a bit away. He is sitting with the others prefects).

Talking about the Riddle brothers I may have heard something that I shouldn't the last year and I hope they don't find out about it or else I'm dead. Well, minutes before we all leave Hogwarts I heard Tom and Mattheo having a conversation. As I was about to walk away I heard Tom mentioned Voldemort. Yes. I didn't know that he was their father. I hope they don't know that I know because I'm gonna fucking die out here alone.

Tom turns his stare at me and I look at him as well. I can say that he looks angry. Like he knows something or ... I don't know. I can't describe it. He just looks really angry. I look away trying to stay calm so he can't understand. He always had that power over me. With only one stare he can make me feel guilty. Ok now I maybe am but that's not the problem.

"Silence" Dumbledore says and all the students look at him but Tom is still staring at me which makes me uncomfortable.

Dumbledore starts talking but I couldn't pay a lot of attention. I turn and look at Tom. He is still staring at me. Fuck. He knows something. He definitely knows something. As Dumbledore sits down everybody start eating and talking and messing around with other students but that doesn't go for the Riddle brothers. They are watching me. Learning me.

Students and prefects start leaving the Great Hall. That's my chance. I have to leave. I have to go to my dorm before they make me feel REALLY guilty. I stand up and walk away quickly. As I exist Great Hall I see Tom and Mattheo standing up and heading out of the Great Hall as well. Shit. I have to be quick.

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