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Mattheo Marvolo Riddle POV

Billy and I arrive at the hospital. I take a deep breath, dry my eyes and look at Billy. I kneel down and look at him again.

"Remember what we said?".

"I won't cry in front of dad and I'll stay quiet by your side the whole time".

"Good, boy. Let's go inside".

We walk upstairs at the 4th floor and go at Tom. As we reached him, I noticed a gauze to his hand. He stares at Billy confused and after looks at me.


"Hey, dad" Tom glares at me. Tom stands up and pushes me a bit away. I mention Billy to sit down and he nods.

"Why did you bring Billy here?".

"You should see him, Tom. I couldn't say no. It hurt me to see him like that".

"He has to stay quiet and not cry in front of Yn".

"He won't".

"Are you sure?".

"100% sure".


"What happened with your hand?".

"Uhh ... I have ... Bad news" he looks up to me.

"Tell me".

"20% chance of living".

"What? It was 30% chance of living".

"There were ... Difficulties and ... "

"Fucking hell" I look at Billy. Tom goes at Billy and kneels down.

"Billy, you can't stay here. It will be-"

"Dad, please. I really need to see mom".

"Billy, please. For me. Your mom's health is in danger and if she-"

"Dad, I beg you. I won't back talk to you never again. I'll do anything you want. I won't fight with Axel or dad Mattheo or you or even mom never again to my whole life. I promise you. Let me see mom even for a few seconds" Tom looks up to me.

"I told you" he sighs and looks back at Billy.

"Are you sure about it?".

"Yes, dad. I wanna see her".

"She won't be like you remember her. You have got to understand that your mother will be filled with tubes all over her body and even more than that".

"I know".

"Can you see her like that?".


"Are you sure? If you mother sees you, then you won't be able to leave the room even if you want to".

"I'm sure, dad. I wanna see mom" Tom sighs.

"Fine but after I'll go you back home. No Mattheo. Me" Billy nods at Tom. Tom slightly sighs.

"I promise you".

"Ok. Sit here and we will wait for news".

"Ok" Billy sits back down and Tom stands up. He looks at me and sighs.

"It's not easy. I understand you but try to calm down. Ok? Can you do that?".

"If something goes wrong?".

"Yn is gonna make it. Ok?".

"Ok" he stares at me.


"Did someone inform Snape?".

"Shit. I knew that I had forgotten something".

"Go. I'll keep Billy here".


"Yes. You-"

"For Ms. Lestrange?" Billy stands up and comes to me. We all walk near the nurse.

"Is she ok?" Tom asks.

"She is out of the surgery room and got placed into a room. You can't see her just yet but I'm here to inform you about the baby. She is alive but because she was pre-born she has to stay at the ICU. She has breathing tubes so she can stay alive" I see Tom's eyes searching for a lie inside of the nurse's words.

"Can we ... See her?".

"Of course but only for a few minutes. The doctor will be there to check up on her in 5 minutes".

"Thank you".

"Follow me please".

We all follow her into a room. When we saw her I stare shocked. Tom stops talking and just stares at her. Billy comes closer to me and hugs my leg. I pick him up to my hug and he hugs me.

"It's ok, buddy" we all walk close to the baby.

"She looks in pain" Tom mutters under his breath.

"She's gonna be ok" Tom looks at me and I nod. He nods back to me. I look at Billy. "Wanna see her?" I stare at him. He shakes his head. "If you can't see her, how are you gonna see your mother? Huh?".

"I don't wanna see the baby" Tom and I look at him. "I don't wanna see her cause if she dies, I won't be able to calm myself" he hugs me tighter and start sobbing.

"Give him to me".

Tom picks him to his hug and walks outside. I stare at her for a bit more before the doctor walks inside. I look at him and after walk outside as well.

Tom Marvolo Riddle POV

I pick Billy to my hug and walk outside. I sit down and place him to my lap.

"I can't lose a second sister, dad. Not again. I lost Bellatrix. I won't be able to lose her as well".

"I know, Billy. I know".

"I wanted so much to turn and look at her tiny body but I just couldn't" he starts crying.

"Hey. Look at me. It's ok. She is gonna be ok. She went through surgery. She's gonna make it".

"I can't lose her" I pull him to my hug and he starts crying more. Mattheo walks outside and looks at me. I shake my head and he sighs. He sits down next to me.

"Look, Billy. I want from you to stay strong. Can you do that for me?" he doesn't make any move.

"Billy" Mattheo says in a stern voice. "Didn't I warn you about it? Huh? Didn't I tell you what you are about to see?".

"Yes" Billy pulls away and pulls his tears away.

"Then please stop crying and calm down. She is not gonna die. Your mother won't die either. Understand? They are gonna make it" Billy nods at him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you, dad" Mattheo shakes his head.

"Try to be strong" Billy simply nods and hides his head more into my chest.

"For Ms. Lestrange" Mattheo stands up and goes near her. A few minutes later he comes near us.

"We can go and see her but in 20 minutes the doctor will come to check on her".

"Let's go" Mattheo looks at Billy.

"Can you come and see your mother? Her situation is not the best" Billy nods. "Billy, answer to me".

"Yes. I ... I wanna come inside, dad".

"Let's go".

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