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Billy Marvolo Riddle POV

We all came back home. When dad Mattheo told me and Axel to go upstairs to unpack and to take Bella with us I just walk upstairs. I know that she has done nothing but she has took the whole attention. Ok. She is a baby but dad Tom could pay a bit more attention to me either. Because I'm 14 it doesn't mean that I don't need my father. I want to talk with him about it but we will end up arguing again. I don't want this to happen. We just came back.

I sigh and start unpacking my stuff. When I'm ready, I go and take a quick shower so I can calm down. I change into comfy clothes and sit to my bed staring at the ceiling. I close my eyes and remember all the memories with Bellatrix. My twin sister and my best friend. She was my everything and now Bella took her name and the whole attention.



"What happened? Are you ok?".

"Yes. Wanna prank those bastards right there?".

"Oh yes. They bully everybody".

"Exactly. Let's go".

Another memory

We laugh.

"Dad, c'mon. I want a pancake. Don't burn them" Bellatrix says and laughs as dad Tom tries to cook.

"I'm not a good cooker. I'm trying tho".

"Use magic" I say.

"Oh yeah. Good idea" he appears pancakes.

"YAY" Bellatrix and I say and sit down to eat. Dad Tom stares at us and smiles.

"Those are delicious, dad" Bellatrix says.

"Mhm. Better than mom's" dad chuckles.

"We better not to say that to mom. Huh?".

"Yes" Bellatrix says.


"Good, kids".

Another memory

"DAD. BELLATRIX IS CHASING ME" I run and hide behind dad Tom.

"Oh no. Lemme hide you. Quickly. Behind me" Bellatrix runs inside.

"Dad. Where's Billy?".

"Uhh ... He went ... To Hawaii" Bellatrix laughs and I chuckle.

"He's behind you".

"No. That's just his clothes".

"Yeah" she laughs. I come out and laugh. Bellatrix and I fell to the floor and laugh our life out.

"What? Wasn't Hawaii good idea?".

"It was perfect" I say between my laughter.

"That's what I thought" dad laughs either.

End of memories

I felt tears forming in my eyes. I open my eyes again and sit up to my bed. I dry my eyes and take a few deep breaths. I heard a knock on my door.


"Hey, pup. Time for lunch" Axel says.

"I'll be down in a few minutes".

"Ok" he runs down laughing.

I go at the bathroom and throw water on my face so I can calm. I dry my face and stare for a few minutes myself at the mirror. Then I walk downstairs. I get in the kitchen and sit down.

"So ... Is pizza good for tonight?" mom says.

"Definitely" everyone says.

"Good. I wouldn't cook anything else" we all softly laugh.

She gives us all of a plate and we take a slice of pizza. They start talking about a lot of subjects but I was just eating my pizza and continue thinking about Bellatrix and dad Tom (memories).

A few minutes later I felt something burn in my head. I look up and see dad Tom staring at me. I look back down and stop thinking about it (Billy was thinking the same as before and how Bella has took the whole attention that he has from his dad Tom). I softly gulp and the thought that dad would be angry at me for thinking like that.

"Can we talk after lunch?" I look up at dad Tom. He talked to me through our minds. I nod and he nods back to me.

I look back down and continue eating in silence. Dad Tom didn't say anything else after that. The lunch came to an end after a lot of minutes. I walk upstairs without another word. Actually I run upstairs. I go to my bathroom and try to calm down. I'm in trouble and I know that. Then I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in. One minute" the door opens and closes. I dry my face and walk outside. Dad Tom was sitting at my desk.

"Hey. You ok?" I simply nod and go to sit to my bed. "You sure you're ok?".

"Yeah" he softly sighs and I look up to him. "About before I didn't want to seem mean but ... I just ... "

"Miss your twin sister. The person that was helping you to hold on life" I stare at him and after lower my stare. "The person that was going against those bullies of your's" I nod while I kept looking down. He comes and sits next to me. "I wanna apologize for everything. I have been a shitty father to you since Bella was born" I look up to him as my eyes got a bit watery. "It was a huge mistake. I know. I ... "

"I just feel like you don't love me anymore" I lower my state again as a few tears roll down my cheeks.

"No. Of course not. I love you very much, Billy. You're my son. My first son. How could I not love you?" I keep my stare low. "Hey. Look at me" I look up to him as more tears stream down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry" I try to pull my tears away but without success. Dad pulls me to his hug as I cry to his chest.

"Shhhh. Calm down, buddy. It's ok. I'm here".

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to cry or something".

"It's ok. It's normal" we pull away and he pulls my tears away. "I love you. Ok? No matter what, you're my son and I love you very much" I nod at him and softly smile.

"I love you too, dad" he smiles and kisses my forehead.

"Don't ever think again about hiding your feeling. I'm here to talk about it".

"Sorry" he nods at me.

"It's ok".

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