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Mattheo Marvolo Riddle POV

I get into the house and take all of the kids with me. I quickly leave the house and go for a walk with all of them.

"Dad?" Axel says.

"Yes, buddy".

"Where are you going?".

"For a walk".

"Is ... Umm ... Is mom okay?" he looks up to me worried.

"Yes, buddy. Your mom is okay".

"What happened to her before?" how will I explain that?

"Why don't we talk when we arrive at the park?".


How will I be able to explain that to him? After 5 minutes we arrive at the park. Axel and I sit at the bench and he looks at me with worried eyes.

"So what happened? Why was there blood all over her body?".

"Uhh blood. Yeah. She ... Uhh ... " fuck. I can't tell him the truth but I definitely can't lie because he will understand it.

"Dad?" his voice turned into a shaky one. I pick him up to my hug and stabilize him to my lap.

"Listen here, buddy. There were a few problems with your mom, uncle and that new girl that came".

"I don't like her".

"Don't you?" I smile.

"No. She locked me in the bathroom and told me to not call for help or else Voldemort will come to kill me" my eyes darkened.

"She did what?".

"Locked me in the bathroom".



"That's why I couldn't find you anywhere" he softly nods. "Who unlocked you?" he looks at me but doesn't talk. "Axel?".

"She did" his voice got lower.

"Hey. What happened? Did she do something to you?" he doesn't move. "Axel?" he hugs me and I pull him to my hug. He's shaken. What the hell has the woman done to my son? "Shhhh. I'm here, Axel. I'm here" he sobs.

"She hit me" he says in a really low voice. I pull him away and stare at him.

"What? When?".

"When she unlocked the door" he says between sobs.

"Where?" he lifted his shirt a bit and I saw multiple bruises on his chest and stomach.

"Why didn't you tell me something, buddy?".

"She told me that if I do, she will hurt mom" I stare at him as he starts crying again. "Did she hurt mom because of me?" I pulled him to my hug.

"No. No, Axel. You are not responsible about that. Your mom hurt herself. That woman did nothing to your mom".


"Of course, buddy. You are not responsible about that".


"Good boy".

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