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Skip three months at Hogwarts

Everybody graduated

Tom, Mattheo, Theodore and Yn are sitting at the same cabin at the train

Yn Lestrange POV

I am writing to my diary. I don't know why but I'm gonna miss Hogwarts. I don't have good memories but I'm gonna miss it anyway. Maybe Severus. He was like a father to me. The one that I lost and the one that wanted to kill me. At least all these will stay behind. The bad memories will stay behind. I felt a stare on me. I look up and see Tom staring at my diary. I close it and look at him.

"Privacy" he softly chuckles and shakes his head.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever".

"So. Theodore. Where are you gonna go now?" Mattheo asks and looks at me.

"To my sister" we all turn and look at him confused.

"You have a sister?" I ask.

"Yes. She is 1 year older than me".

"Why didn't I know that you have a sister?" Theodore chuckles.

"Cause we had fought but now we are good so I'm gonna move in with her".

"Oh. Ok. Have ... Fun?".

"I guess. What are y'all gonna do? Where will you live?" Mattheo, Tom and I look each other.

"I don't have a family so ... I don't know yet" I say.

"Same for me and Mattheo".

"We are not gonna move in with any old Death Eater of our father".

"That's the only sure".

"Why don't y'all move in together? After all, Yn is pregnant. She needs protection and help from you 2" Theodore says.

"That's true" Mattheo says and looks at me.

"But that's Yn's decision. If she wants to come with us" Tom says and looks at me either. I look both of them.

"Come where? Do you have a place to live?".

"We definitely do. We will just not walk there. Transfer".

"Ok, I guess".


"Then let's transfer now. I have to transfer to my sister so let's go".

"Why did we take the train if it was to transfer?" I say.

"We don't know. Let's go. Catch our hands".

Theodore transfers out of there. Mattheo, Tom and I catch hands and transfer out of the train. We transfer in front of a huge house. I look at it confused. It seems familiar but I don't know. We all walk inside and I stare shocked. It was the house from my dream. I look at the boys.

"We promise you. Nothing like your dream is gonna happen. We were about to live here anyway" Tom says. I glare at Mattheo.

"Sorry. I told him about it".

"Whatever. I'm gonna look around".

"As you wish, darling".

"Just be careful. Some things aren't so still yet".

"I got it".

I turn around and walk upstairs. I check every corner of the house. It's safe. I walk back downstairs. I see food at the table. I look confused.

"Hey, darling".

"Time for dinner".

I stare at them confused. We all sit down and I stare at the food. I did a spell in my mind. I guess they understood it cause they both sigh. I look at them.

"It's not a dream".

"And it's definitely not a nightmare".

"We wouldn't try to hurt you".

"Or the babies" I sigh and place my head at my hands.

"I know. I'm sorry. It's just that this stupid nightmare doesn't leave my mind since I saw it".

"It's been 3 months".

"It feels like yesterday".

"Yn, I know that it's difficult for you. You are scared. We completely understand it but we would never hurt you".

"I know".

"Then try to act like it".

"Hey. Calm down" Tom storms out of there and I sigh. "Look Yn. We could never hurt you. Ok? We don't want you to get hurt. We want you to being healthy and alive".

"I'm trying. I know that both of you want the best for me but I can't. I just can't" I felt tears forming on my eyes. "Where's my room?".

"Upstairs, last door, right but I think that you-"

Before he says anything else I run upstairs at my room. I sit at the bed and stare out of the window. I can't. I just can't. After that nightmare that I had, I can't stop thinking that the worst is gonna happen. I just need time. A lot of time.

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