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Snape, Tom and I enter Snape's office quickly. He locks the door and puts silence on. We all sit down. I was feeling guilt. I still can't believe it.

"You did good, Yln".

"I don't know what I was thinking".

"You weren't thinking" I stare at him. It was like he had seen everything. "Yes. I did follow you and yes I did see and hear everything. I was right behind the door and was watching you. I had to watch you".

"That explains a lot".

"What do you mean?".

"I felt like someone was behind me the whole time. I wanted to look back but I was bad enough psychological and I didn't look back to check".

"You actually turned into your villian mode" should I take it as a joke?


"Tomorrow morning. Before the classes start. Go and inform him. We have the first class together. Don't you dare and be late. I will give you detention even if you are awful or not".

"Ok professor".


Tom and I walk outside and straight back to our dorm. Mattheo was waiting there for us like Tom told him to. As we enter he turns around and stares at us.


"Sit down" ok. Why is Tom that angry? What happened? Mattheo sighs and sits back down.

"I said I'm fucking sorry, Tom".

"Well I don't give two shits if you are sorry or not" he learned that from me. I only use the phrase 'I don't give two shits'.

"I'll go and take a shower so you 2 can talk. Ok? Don't kill each other. I beg you".

Tom and Mattheo stare at me with the same stare. I don't know why. I don't even know why they are fighting but that's not the point. The point is that I'm tired as hell and want to fell asleep immediately. I get into the bathroom, take my clothes off and hop into the shower. I take a quick shower. After I change into comfy clothes and start brushing my teeth till I heard a loud voice. Like someone fell. I get out of the bathroom and Tom with Mattheo had their wands at the neck of each other.


"Yn get back inside" Tom says.

"No? I-"

"Yn get the fuck inside. You don't wanna see that" Mattheo says.


"JUST GO" Tom says. I know that he is angry with Mattheo but that doesn't give him the right to yell at me. I have done nothing wrong this time.


They both turn their stares at me as I run out of the dorm and straight at the Astronomy Tower.

Mattheo Riddle POV:

I see Yn running out of her dorm and I felt kinda bad. My stupid brother can't stay calm for 2 fucking minutes.

"That's your fault" I lower my wand and pull it back to the pocket. He lowers his wand but keeps it on his hand. "I didn't fucking fight for her because I wanna steal her from you but because I am in fucking love with her. She is with you. I understand it. I'm not gonna do something to steal her. But you must start treating her better".


"She's fucking innocent, Tom. She get in this drama because of us. Because of you. Because you didn't listen to me when I told you that she is not ready to join Voldemort's army. Because she is fucking innocent and has nothing to do with us. You fucking destroyed her and keep destroying her in purpose or not. Stay away from her".

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