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Yn Emma Lestrange POV

It's positive. Tears stream down my cheeks and only at the thought that I'm gonna become a mother again. How am I gonna say that to Mattheo? Shit. Protection. Why didn't we use a condom? I sigh. I unlock the door and sit to my bed. I place the test in front of me and wrap my arms around my stomach. Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door. I pull my tears away and pull the test to my pocket. I unlock and see Tom standing there.


"Are you crying?".

"N-No. I ... "

"Can I come in?" I open a bit more the door and he enters. He sits at my bed and I sit next to him.

"I have to tell you something".

"What happened?".

"I ... "


"Remember when I had sex with Mattheo?" he stares at me confused.

"Before a few ... Days? 1 week?".


"Yes. What with that?".

"Well ... Do you remember if we used condom? You were in the room" he stares at me more confused than before.

"Uhh ... I don't know. I don't think so".

"We didn't".

"Yes. And?".

"And ... " I take off my pocket the pregnancy test. His eyes widened when he saw it. "I'm pregnant" I look up at him as a few more tears roll to my cheeks. "With his child this time".

"You're ... "


"But how did you ... "

"Know it?" he nods at me. "I wanted to vomit. Only one time to my whole life I felt like that again. I went and took the test and after came to do that. I wanted to be sure".

"So ... "

"If he doesn't want it, I ... Can ... "

"No. You won't kill that baby" I stare at him. He runs a hand through his hair and sighs. "Look. Do you want this baby?" I stare at him. "Yn. Do you want it?".

"I think so. Do you?" I stop for a few seconds. "Does Mattheo?".

"I would love to have a baby again inside of this house and my brother either" I smile at him and he smiles back to me. He pulls the tears away from my face. "Don't cry. If you want it and can do this for once again, we want that baby".

"I do" I smile at him. He smiles at me and hugs me.

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