Chapter 129: Janet Cander Again?

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''Welp, that was a rather long flashback, but it helped to pass the time." Muttered Diddy calmly while concealing himself underwater, using his beastly eyes to see through the ocean's current, searching for any ships nearby

It seemed like the flashback was the perfect length since not even a few minutes later, in the far distance, I saw something appear from beyond the horizon, starting with a white flag flailing in the wind, causing me to smile as I saw that familiar symbol.

'World Government!' Thought Diddy with a feral grin as he eyed the ship, which was slowly revealing itself from beyond the horizon.

After a few more minutes, the ship fully revealed itself, and if it wasn't a Celestial Dragons ship, then I don't know what to say; the ship was utterly massive, even bigger than a marine destroyer. Its figurehead was some weird animal that resembled an elephant but wasn't quite one; the sails had a massive symbol of the world government on them, so that was hard to miss, and other than that, it looked like any other ship. It was an incredibly expensive and wealthy ship, but a ship nonetheless.

'Sebas; Sebas, can you hear me?' Asked Diddy in his mind, and a few moments later, he felt the sensation of a foreign presence inside his mind.

'Yes, I'm here, Captain. Do you have eyes on the ship?' Asked Sebas while he, Mael, Freyja, Scar, Grand, and Trenza stood on the edge of one of the smaller islands a few kilometers away from Diddy.

'Yep, the ship has just appeared from behind the horizon; I'm going to take a closer look.' Replied Diddy in rare seriousness as he swam closer towards the ship, moving even faster than an actual fish.

'Don't do anything stupid.' Said Freyja lightly, earning her a grunt of annoyance from Diddy, who ignored her.

Once I got close to the ship, and when I mean closer, I mean I was literally right underneath it and latched onto the base of the ship, crawling atop the side of the ship, I emerged from the water, making sure to keep my body close just in case someone happened to look over the edge; because even with my speed, I didn't want anyone's suspicions to be raised until the raid actually began.

I didn't crawl all the way to the top, as that was way too risky; instead, I crawled across the side of the ship until I found a spot where I heard no voices from inside the ship.

"Bingo." Muttered Diddy with a smirk as he used his nail to cleanly slice a small hole in the ship's hull, which he used to enter the ship.

Once inside, I placed the cut-off circle and welded it back to the ship with my lightning before looking around, trying to figure out where I'd entered.

"Boxes, crates, and barrels; the cargo hold, what luck." Said Diddy quietly, and like a cat, he sneakily crawled around on all fours.

'Alright, I'm inside; what now, Sebas? Find the communication rooms?' Questioned Diddy as he exited the cargo hold once he sensed no one's presence outside the hallway.

'Yes, if possible, though if it's not, just leave it; the last thing we want is for you to get spotted.' Replied Sebas seriously with a nod, though Diddy couldn't see it.

'Don't need to worry about me getting caught; I was raised in the forest; concealing myself was the very first thing I learned.' Remarked Diddy with a slight smirk as he crawled atop the ceiling, passing by a couple of people dressed in black suits with a black hat.

"Hey, so why are we going here? I forgot." Asked a world Government agent as he stopped walking right underneath Diddy and curiously glanced at his partner.

"Haa, c'mon man, that's like the fifth time I've told you." Replied a different agent as he grunted in annoyance while eyeing his partner, who sheepishly laughed.

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