Chapter 138: Scar, Grand, and Trenza

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With three of the five Vice-admirals having been defeated and one of them even being killed, all that remained were the ones fighting Diddy, and from their state, it didn't take a genius to realize they weren't going to last much longer; then again, Diddy's physical state wasn't that much better. Diddy's body was laced with numerous sword wounds, some deeper than others, which tainted his golden brown fur with a tint of red, though other than that, he was still at near maximum strength; his endurance was truly matched by none. Well, maybe, except for one person, though he'll fight against him a few years into the future.

However, with the Captain of the Frenzy Pirates beginning to wrap up his fight, let's rewind time to shortly after the fights started and focus on the three weaker yet just as important people of the Frenzy Pirates.

Running through the halls with my dagger in hand, I stepped over several unconscious bodies, tempted to kill them as they would eventually wake up; considering they were world government agents, they were most definitely stronger than your average marine; however, I didn't have the time to spare as I was on the clock, and I needed to get to my destination as quickly as possible.

'Two more lefts and the communications door should be on my right; Father said that.' Thought Scar solemnly as he ran down a long, empty hall before making a right, though he nearly tripped as he felt the ship suddenly shake.

"Tsk, must be the battle happening up above; those four really are monsters. How can someone even get that strong?" Muttered Scar with a click of his tongue as he pushed off the wall and continued dashing down the hall, looking up at the ceiling with slight awe.

Shaking my head, getting rid of such thoughts, I focused back on my mission and continued running, which was slightly more difficult with the occasional shaking of the ship, but it wasn't anything I couldn't deal with; if it were, then we were all doomed.

Taking a left, I ran down a shorter hallway before making another left, only to finally stop when I came across a large, reinforced door with a transponder snail symbol right above it.

'Found it. Captain had said he broke the lock, so the door should be open.' Thought Scar with a hardened expression as he brought his dagger forward, though before he entered, he pressed his ear against the door.

Although I didn't hear anything, I didn't know whether it was because nothing was happening inside or the door was preventing any sound from leaking through; staying vigilant, I slowly and silently opened the door while hiding against the wall, using the reflection of my dagger to see inside, though it wasn't detailed, it was enough for me to get a rough layout.

'Two unconscious bodies. Good.' Mused Scar as he stepped forward, entering the room and closing the door behind him.

First things first, I grabbed the two people and dragged them into the corner of the room, then I looked around the room for anything I could possibly use to tie them up in case they awakened; however, while doing so, I heard a squeak, causing me to freeze. In one swift motion, I turned around with my dagger forward, just in time to block the slash of a short sword from cutting open my back.

Gaining some distance from my attacker, he was slightly taller than me, had a large gut, and wore the outfit of a world government agent, though his presence caused me to frown since if it weren't for the loose floorboard, I wouldn't have ever heard him.

'I doubt any normal agent would be this skilled. Maybe it's one of those CP agents Janet had warned us about.' Thought Scar with a frown as he lowered his stance and scrutinized the man, noticing that one of the men in the corner was now missing, though it didn't take a genius to realize where he had gone.

"Sneaking aboard a world Government, let alone Saint Xalrons's ship, is and will be punishable by death." Said the CP agent as he glared at Scar before lunging forward with his short sword.

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