Chapter 87: The Grand Escape!

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I scooped her up from her handcuffs, causing a loud snap to be heard, but I ignored it, tightly embarrassing Freyja; I outstretched my other arm, just in time to catch both grand and Trenza who had come falling back toward the ground. The sudden weight caused me almost to lose my balance, but I tightly held Grand by his leg while doing a few spins, channeling the momentum he carried into it, which actually helped to increase my speed slightly.

"Urgh! Y-You b-broke my arm!" Yelled Freyja angrily as she glanced at her dislocated shoulder while within Diddy's embrace.

"I don't care; I don't exactly have the capacity to worry about accidentally injuring you, so just suck it up and deal with it." Replied Diddy with ragged breaths and heavy eyes as he focused on the unconscious Scar through his blurry vision.

'Urgh, c'mon, just a few more minutes, you've dealt with worse!' Thought Diddy as he psyched himself up before taking a deep breath and increasing his speed, which put more pressure on his broken leg.

While I was nearing Scar, I sensed both Lindbergh and Mini approaching me; Lindbergh was much closer and wasn't too far away from me as he slowly gained ground; Mini, on the other hand, was a reasonable distance away, and it seemed I was going just fast enough to outpace him, though I didn't know how long I'd be able to keep it up. I've already long since exceeded my limit; if it weren't because I managed to disperse a large chunk of Lindbergh attacks into the ground beneath my feet, I'd have died a long time ago, though even so, I could tell just another one or two good attacks, and that'll be it for me.

I was already giving it everything I had, even going so far as to forcefully increase my heart rate to get the oxygen to different parts of my body faster, and while I could feel a slight increase in my performance, my blood also left my body quicker, which caused my mind to become cloudy and my sense's less accurate. If this continued for too much longer, I'd collapse from blood loss rather than Lindbergh or Mini delivering the finishing blow.

'Heh, I don't have much of an option right now; I've got to give everything I've got and then some if I want to get these useless fools back to the ship.' Mused Diddy as he lowered himself to the ground once he neared Scar's location.

"F-Freyja, I-I need you to pick up Scar." Said Diddy as he coasted just a few feet above the ground and swiftly approached Scar.

"E-Even though I-I want to, I-I can't, t-these sea s-stone handcuffs a-are draining my strength, i-it's already difficult for me to s-speak." Replied Freyja lightly as she weakly lay in Diddy's embrace, much to her annoyance, but she didn't have a choice if she wished to survive.

Glancing at the sea stone handcuffs binding Freyja, I grunted in response as I knew I couldn't break her out of them; even if I were in peak condition, breaking them would still be impossible. Trust me, I've tried before; they are insanely durable and can even damage my nails. The only instance I was able to damage them was when I smacked them as hard as I could with Naga-sa, though in the end, all I managed to do was chip the edge, nothing substantial, not enough to help Freyja.

'What about melting them? I've never tried that; I still got a little more left in the tank, so let's go ahead.' Thought Diddy as he released Freyja before grabbing her by the wrist right where she was cuffed.

"This will hurt, Freyja." Said Diddy as he unleashed his remaining electricity, though he made sure to converge it around the sea stone handcuffs in his hand, surprising the confused Freyja, who felt a great deal of heat on her wrists.

"Urgh! T-That fucking burns!" Yelled Freyja as she felt the sea stone handcuffs that bonded her morph into a viscous liquid form before trailing off her wrist, melting parts of it in the process.

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