Chapter 102: Eerie Forest

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Swimming through the ocean, I leaped out of the sea like a dolphin and landed on the back of my ship, right beside my hammock; summoning lightning, I had it coil around my body, swiftly drying my soaked fur, although it left a salty smell, there wasn't much I could do about that.

"Ahh, that was a good training session." Muttered Diddy lightly in exhaustion, his muscles cramping in pain while he did a few stretches.

"So, has anything happened yet?" Asked Diddy as he glanced at Freyja, who, like usual, was manning the helm.

"Nothing you'd find interesting; we encountered a pirate ship shortly after you went to train, but they were weak. The trio managed to defeat them, though they did receive some injuries, just nothing serious." Replied Freyja as she glanced at Diddy before pointing at Grand and Trenza, who were both sitting at a makeshift table, playing cards while wrapped in some bandages.

"Lame, but whatever, though it seems someone is really taking his training seriously despite being injured." Commented Diddy, standing beside Freyja as he glanced at Grand and Trenza before looking at Scar, who was at the ship's bow training with his dagger while Naga-sa was holstered to his back.

"Heh, you should've seen him during the battle; he jumped onto the enemy ship without hesitation and defeated roughly half the pirates himself. He's really eager to grow stronger, and knowing you, Diddy, I'm sure such a sight makes you ecstatic." Remarked Freyja with a slight smile as she gazed upon Scar's sweaty body before frowning as she glanced at Diddy, who displayed a feral smile.

"Hehe, if he's that determined to get stronger, maybe in the future, he'll become a worthy adversary for me; I'd love that." Stated Diddy with a ferocious expression as his beastly eyes watched Scar's every movement.

"Even if that's the case, he'll have a long way to go; the current him would find it difficult to defeat Grand, let alone me. Anyways, I'm tired; wake me up if we finally arrive at an Island." Added Diddy as he calmed down and turned around, walking toward his hammock while Freyja wordlessly nodded.

'I hope the first island is fun.' Mused Diddy as he hopped into his hammock and closed his eyes, swiftly drifting to sleep.

"Island! I spot an Island in the distance, everyone!" Yelled Trenza from the crow's nest, spotting the silhouette of a small island in the distance with her impeccable eyes, her words causing everyone to stop what they were doing and head toward the ship's bow.

Hearing Trenza yelling, I opened my eyes and hopped out of the hammock, landing in the crow's nest beside Trenza as I squinted, looking out into the sea in search of said island.

"Yep, there it is, you're not lying, Trenza; finally an island after five boring fucking days." Muttered Diddy with joy as he sighed in relief before displaying a feral grin.

"Hehe, this better be fun!" Added Diddy as he leaped out of the crow's nest and landed on the deck.

"Ho, an island? About time; I'd love to get these old bones moving again." Said Sebas with a light smile while wearing a light blue suit instead of his normal black one.

"Hope there are some men; I still need to refill my reserves." Muttered Freyja as she lustfully licked her lips while eyeing the far-away island.

Approaching Scar, I grabbed Naga-sa off his back before holstering it onto my back, causing him to nearly fall from the sudden weight loss.

"Everyone, get ready; as pirates, it's only right to properly raid our first island in the Grand Line!" Declared Diddy with a feral grin as he ignored Scar and stood on the ship's railing, his words causing Scar, Grand, and Trenza to nod, the three quickly preparing everything they would need for a fight.

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