Chapter 70: Mink Vs Mink

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Even when combining soro and geppo, greatly enhancing my speed, Lindbergh was still capable of keeping up with me; in fact, with the help of his jetpack, he was even faster than me. If it weren't for my flexibility, I would've already been lying on the ground, dead or in a near-death state.

Dodging Lindbergh's rapid punches by just a hair's breadth, I tilted my body and kicked toward his side, yet he was still fast enough to retract his arms and block my leg, causing me to grunt in pain as it felt like I had just kicked the toughest object in the world with my shin.

Before he could counterattack, I kicked off of him and backed away, though he swiftly followed right after me, not giving me a single second of respite. Seeing him near me, I stopped myself with my tail by hitting it against the air behind me, and thanks to having grasped complete control over my heart, it caused one of my techniques to become even stronger.

'72 Bian, variation 1: Exploding Heart Release.' Thought Diddy, his heart beating powerfully as he used geppo and soru in tandem with his beating heart, causing him to powerfully launch toward Lindbergh at incredible speeds.

Creating a massive explosion by kicking off the air, I easily broke through the sound barrier as I arrived before Lindbergh almost instantly; however, despite my sudden increase in speed, he was still able to react as he clawed at me with his nails, though I had already anticipated he would be able to attack, so I was already prepared to dodge.

Tilting my body, I watched his blackened nails, which were mere centimeters away from touching my face, pass right by me as I continued past him, bypassing Lindbergh. Once I was several meters behind him, I oriented my body so I was facing him, and again, I used geppo and soru, making sure to time them alongside my beating heart, causing me to shoot toward Lindbergh at an even faster speed than before.

Grasping Naga-sa with my only working arm, I clutched my bo-staff, feeling it tremble in excitement as its sinister aura started to leak, causing me to smirk. Nearing Lindbergh, who had just managed to turn around, I swung my bo-staff right at him; though he did manage to block it, it was just for instance, but I'm positive I saw him frown after receiving my attack.

'Heh, it seems like Naga-sa is capable of harming him despite him coating his arms in that mysterious power. Wonderful!' Thought Diddy with a grin as he flew right past Lindbergh, and he again did the same.

"Hehe; Beast Rush." Said Diddy, launching himself toward Lindbergh for a third time, which increased his speed even more.

I continuously flew right past Lindbergh as I hit with my bo-staff before turning around and launching myself toward him again, turning myself into a Mink pinball. Every time I propelled myself toward him, my speed would increase, and eventually, my speed had grown to the point where everything around me was becoming blurry, including Lindbergh.

At my speed, although I wasn't able to clearly see Lindbergh, so I couldn't determine how much damage he was sustaining, I wasn't going to stop until his body fell to the ground, though I had a feeling I would be here for a while. However, my guess was wrong; launching toward Lindbergh for the six-hundredth time, I speedily flew directly for him, and even though I wasn't close to him yet, I was already swinging Naga-sa.

Suddenly, my instincts warned me of danger, and almost instantly after, I spotted a black object nearing my face; I didn't need to be a fool to realize what that was. Quickly tilting my face to the side, I avoided a head-on collision, but his nails still clawed half my face, nearly taking one of my eyes with that attack.

'Fuck, that was close; if I were just a little bit faster or had a little bit slower reflexes, that would've been the end of the battle.' Mused Diddy as he whizzed right past Lindbergh and flew into the distance.

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