Chapter 91: Master Diddy

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'Heh, finally, I can control my bowel movements.' Mused Diddy with a satisfied grin as he clearly felt his intestines and other related organs stop moving on his command.

Unfortunately, for Trenza, I was a little too deeply focused on myself, so when she grabbed my tail from behind without me ever noticing her presence, I instantly went into combat mode as I tightly wrapped my tail around the hand that grabbed it before turning around and punching toward the sneaky culprit; only for my fist to stop a few inches away from her face when I realized who it was.

"I-I s-spotted an island, C-Captain." Said Trenza softly in fear as she stared at Diddy's fist, which was close to punching a hole through her head.

"Hmm, that's good; considering how long we've been sailing for, we should be near the Grand Line, so hopefully, it's the final island. Well, it doesn't really matter if it's the final island or not; it just needs to be a place where we can restock some essential supplies before venturing into Paradise." Remarked Diddy with a nod as he calmed down and retracted his fist before dropping Trenza back into the crow's nest.

Looking ahead, just as Trenza said, there was what looked to be the silhouette of an island, and by all accounts, it should be Chandelier City; a weird ass name, but I've dealt with more bizarre things, so I didn't think much of it. Leaping from the peak of the mast, I gently landed on the ship's bow, only to see Scar training his dagger skills. Unlike Trenza, though, he was smart enough to bring backup weapons, though, from one glance, I could tell he wasn't training nearly as hard as usual.

"Have your wounds still not healed, Scar? It's been like 11 days, hasn't it?" Asked Diddy with a raised eyebrow as he glanced at Scar's movement, which was much slower and contained less force than usual.

"Haa, not everyone is like you and Freyja, Captain; it will take some time for me to heal properly." Replied Scar as he softened his stance and stopped practicing, only for him to sigh in annoyance while glancing at Diddy and Freyja.

"Eh, that's not a good excuse, isn't Grand fully healed? What about Trenza? That useless woman is fully healed as well." Remarked Diddy with a slight frown as he used his tail to point at Grand, who was also training by punching a large iron weight attached to the mast, before pointing up at Trenza in the crow's nest.

"Hey! My eyes aren't the only exceptional thing; I've got pretty good hearing, too, Captain!" Yelled Trenza in annoyance from the crow's nest, though, like usual, Diddy promptly ignored her words as he waited for Scar to respond.

"That's also not a good example either, Captain. Trenza was hardly even hurt, and Grand, well, he's Grand; besides, even if they were both as grievously wounded as I was, didn't you say it yourself? Neither of them is Human, at least fully Human, unlike Trenza, whose got immaculate eyes, or Grand, whose always had an unnaturally strong physique; as a normal human, I've got nothing special." Replied Scar as he became more annoyed the more he spoke, almost sounding angry.

'What the hell is wrong with this fool?' Thought Diddy as he tilted his head in confusion while eyeing Scar.

"Grand could stay conscious despite having taken a grievous wound, yet me? I was defeated in a single blow; my words of helping Freyja didn't amount to anything." Added Scar in irritation and, in a burst of anger, stabbed the ship's railing with his dagger, causing Diddy to click his tongue.

"Tch, don't damage my ship in a fit of rage before you start making excuses about your lack of strength; I've never once said Grand and Trenza weren't full humans. I said there was a chance they weren't human; my assumption could be wrong." Said Diddy as he approached Scar, who was leaning over the railing, and grabbed his dagger before throwing it into the sea.

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