Chapter 139: Trenza's Difficult Fight and Scar's Easy Fight

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Opening the door, I looked inside, checking my corners first, ensuring no one was about to sneak attack me, though after a few seconds, I released a sigh of relief before entering while closing the door behind me. I was about to search for the two people who operate the communications room, but I wasn't required to as they were already lying on the ground right next to each other, being tended to by a nurse, which caused me to frown as I remained silent.

I could tell something was off; after all, from how Captain had explained his haki, only those with a strong enough will can stay conscious, which meant this nurse probably wasn't just your average nurse.

'Better safe than sorry.' Thought Trenza as he grabbed her second pistol, the one filled with lead bullets, and pointed it toward the nurse's head from behind.

Just as I cocked the pistol back, the nurse suddenly leaped to the side, causing me to quickly follow her with my pistol while shooting her, but with her erratic movements, she managed to dodge everything. Inwardly cursing, I stopped firing at her, causing her to stop running as she turned and eyed me with her cold, emotionless pair of eyes.

"Who are you?" Asked the nurse emotionlessly as she eyed Trenza while the ship trembled intensely.

"I'm Trenza, the Marksman of the Frenzy Pirates! Now, could you just make this easy for both of us and-" Replied Trenza pridefully as she puffed out her chest, though she was forced to stop speaking as the nurse had thrown her clipboard at her.

Using Sunaipu, I blocked her thrown clipboard before retaliating with several shots as she ran toward me, causing me to also run away since, just from the display of her speed, she was definitely physically stronger than me. While running after me, the nurse managed to just barely dodge my shots, seemingly calculating where I'd shoot beforehand and dodging preemptively, though when she got too close, I managed to scrape the side of her cheek. Forcing her back a few meters, I clicked my tongue in annoyance at this cat and mouse game as I used Sunaipu, though this time I shot at where her legs would be, slowing her down even more, though I didn't know how long that would last.

Sunaipu was filled with rubber bullets, which, while do hurt, won't do nearly the same amount of damage as standard bullets.

'Tch, what to do, what to do!?' Thought Trenza with a slight panic as she ran circles around the room, which was just big enough for her to always stay ahead of the nurse.

While running in a circle, I tried dashing to the door, hoping I could create some space between us in the narrow hallway, though when I did so, the nurse seemed to ignore my bullets as she charged right at me. Seeing her rapidly approach me, if I continued, I was confident I'd make it out into the hallway, but she'd be directly behind me, and if she caught me, I'd almost certainly be dead. Changing directions, I ignored the door and continued running within the confines of this room, which she seemed to appreciate more as she stopped charging and returned to her previous safe distance; though her little stunt did cause her to take several bullet wounds, unfortunately, nothing serious.

'Though maybe, if I continued to do that stunt, she'd make a mistake, cause at this rate, she's just waiting for me to run out of ammo; at that point, I'll just be a sitting duck.' Pondered Trenza with a frown as she ran around the room with an emotionless nurse chasing behind her.

Repeating the process, every time I ran a lap around the room, I would always try to reach for the door, only to stop at the last second, and after a few times, I managed to shoot her in the arm and shoulder, though it didn't seem to affect her at all. While this plan may be a little stupid and predictable, it still forced the nurse to charge me, exiting her safe zone since I was truly trying to escape into the hall, as that would make it much easier to shoot her, and that forced her to charge me every time; I was baiting, and she knew, but she was required to take it every time.

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