Chapter 174: Freyja Holmes

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Grunting in annoyance, half at the fact that the Strawhats weren't present and half because Freyja was proving to be actually helpful, something that's quite uncommon.

"Tsk, at least we know where they are at now." Said Diddy with an annoyed expression as he glanced at Freyja before turning around and walking away while clicking his tongue.

"Hmm, where are you two going?" Asked Freyja curiously with a raised eyebrow as she finished drinking the man's semen directly from the source before looking at Diddy and Sebas, with only the latter responding.

"We're currently trying to track the Strawhats, specifically their member, Ms. Robin, as she has some knowledge we require for Trenza's safety." Replied Sebas as he turned and glanced at Freyja, who was using her unnaturally long tongue to wipe the remaining semen off her cheek, before adorning a thoughtful expression.

"Hmm, Trenza? This sounds mildly interesting, so I'll tag along as well. I've just finished draining the men of this town, so I've got nothing left to do here." Remarked Freyja with a nod as she floated off the bed and landed on the ground before grabbing her clothes: short shorts too small for her, fishnet leggings, a bikini top, a crop-top jacket, and boots.

"Tch, whatever, just don't annoy me." Said Diddy in an irritated tone as he growled at Freyja before leaving the room and heading downstairs, Sebas and Freyja following from behind.

"One second, let me get Scar; almost forget about him." Commented Freyja as she quickly turned around and opened a door that led to another room where Scar was sleeping in a comfortable bed before she gently picked him up and left.

"Hoho, he seems exhausted; you and he must've gone at it for some time." Said Sebas with a soft chuckle as he looked at Scar, seeing the exhaustion all over his body, while Freyja slightly smiled.

"Heh; he's gotten much better, but he still can't last more than half an hour with me; though, he's doing much better than every other man. Do you wish to test your endurance, Sebas?" Replied Freyja with a faint smirk as she looked at Scar peacefully sleeping in her arms before glancing up at Sebas with a perverted expression, using her tail to try and caress his butt, though he promptly stopped it.

"Hoho, there is no need for that, Freyja; I already know my endurance is something rather shameful; I'd prefer to keep my dignity if possible. Besides, I've done it plenty of times back in my younger days that I might as well be all pooped out." Remarked Sebas with a laugh as he straightened his tie while stopping Freyja's tail by erecting a psychic wall between them, causing her to frown slightly, sigh, and shake her head.

"Well, if you insist, Sebas, just know the opportunity will always remain available." Said Freyja with a reluctant nod as she retracted her tail back into her body while blowing a kiss toward Sebas, who nodded with a smile.

Ignoring those two, we left the building, appearing back in the front yard, which was still filled with unconscious people, though I made sure none of them were pleasuring themselves, well, mainly men; I pretty much ignored the woman. Once we exited the yard without getting sprayed on, we walked through the city, passing the spot where I was almost covered in a man's jizz, before approaching our ship in the distance.

"U-Ugh, my body is killing me." Muttered Trenza with a painful expression and frizzled hair as she leaned over the railing, only to spot the three approaching.

"Feeling better, Trenza?" Asked Sebas as he and Freyja floated onto the ship while Diddy jumped, all three landing on the front of the ship.

"Yeah, though no thanks to, Captain; I'll still occasionally convulse from the residue lightning in my system." Replied Trenza with an exasperated nod as she glanced at Sebas while holding her head, only to glare at Diddy, who snorted before promptly ignoring her.

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