Chapter 89: Fleeing Centaurea!

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Seeing Lindbergh back away as I kicked off their air, propelling myself toward, I clicked my tongue in annoyance while evading the numerous projectiles he shot at me; now that I wasn't carrying four people, it was considerably easier to dodge. Still, I had to be careful; I was only even able to do this because Freyja had used her succubus abilities on me, and I don't know how or when it'll run out.

'I just hope my strength starts to dwindle away slowly; otherwise, I'm going to be in even more trouble than I already am.' Thought Diddy with a slight frown as he blocked a continuous stream of liquid nitrogen with his bo-staff.

"Heh, what's this Lindbergh? What happened to fighting like a Mink and showing honor?" Questioned Diddy as he dashed toward Lindbergh while brandishing his bo-staff, though Lindbergh's clunky-looking jetpack was surprisingly agile, allowing him to outspeed Diddy.

"I see no point fighting with the honor of a Mink if my enemy won't do the same; you're fleeing like a coward, yet such a thing wasn't ever surprising. You may be a Mink, but you're also a pirate; when has a pirate ever been honorable or trustworthy?" Replied Lindbergh solemnly as he speedily flew through the air while constantly shooting at Diddy, keeping him just out of reach, which forced him to stay on the defensive.

"Hehe, touché; I'm not that honorable, having lived my younger days in a deadly forest; if I were honorable, I would've long since been killed and eaten. However, I will say I'm decently trustworthy; if I say I'm going to do something, I'll do it." Stated Diddy with a brazen grin as he continuously evaded or blocked Lindbergh's attack, and despite his annoyance, he was quite satisfied with this outcome.

'It's irritating how he keeps me just out of my effective attacking range; at this distance, even though I could attack him, he'll have plenty of time to react. It's annoying, but it's fine; I just need to stall him, not defeat him, and for Mini, well, I intended to kill him today, but I'll let him live for now.' Thought Diddy with a slight frown as he chased after Lindbergh despite his attempts being for naught, wanting to keep his attention locked onto him while his crew sailed away.

'Captain, we've gotten some distance away from Centaurea. Will you be returning, or have you still not finished dealing with Lindbergh and Mini?' Asked Sebas, his voice suddenly appearing in Diddy's mind, though unlike last time, it didn't interfere with his battle.

'Good, and no, I haven't finished dealing with Lindbergh, though I'll get rid of him in a minute.' Replied Diddy as he tilted his head to the side, barely managing to dodge the pressurized stream of liquid nitrogen.

'Should we stop and wait for you then, Captain?' Said Sebas lightly as he looked at the deck below him, watching Trenza tend to Grand, Scar, and Freyja, all of whom were seriously injured, with Grand being in the best shape despite the four large bloody gashes on his chest.

'No, continue sailing; I'll catch up with you all soon.' Said Diddy before forcefully cutting off the connection between him and Sebas, allowing him to thoroughly focus on the situation at hand.

This fight, or I should say, this cat and mouse chase, hasn't been occurring for long, only a few minutes, but even so, with how I am currently, it's feeling like hours; however, what got me curious, was that I still didn't sense Mini's presence.

'I know we left him in the dust, but he should've gotten close enough to where we could at least discern his presence.' Thought Diddy with a slight frown, though after sporting a thoughtful expression for some time, he suddenly smirked.

'Heh, I can try that; not a bad idea.' Mused Diddy with a clever smirk as he dodged another volley of bullet-sized projectiles.

"We've been fighting for some time, Lindbergh, but where's your side-kick, Mini? He should've arrived here by now unless he decided to turn around and do something he deemed more important." Remarked Diddy with an innuendo, his words causing Lindbergh to squint his eyes, though not like anyone could see with his goggles on.

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