Chapter 85: Diddy & Freyja

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Dodging Lindbergh's relentless assault of his claws, I nimbly maneuvered around him and swung Naga-sa at him, though, of course, he easily blocked it and attempted to retaliate by pushing me off balance so that he could follow up with an attack; however, having fought against him for some time, I've adapted to his fighting style.

While it does assist me in fighting against him, it's not enough to turn the battle in my favor as he is simply superior to me in everything except lightning and combat, meaning even though I'm able to anticipate what he's going to do ahead a time, with his superior agility, he's fast enough to react and change it up before it too late, which in turn makes his fighting style harder to adapt to as I'm constantly forcing him to change it and there is nothing I can do about it.

'Urgh, fuck me, that hurt, pretty sure my shin is broken.' Thought Diddy as he landed on the ground after blocking Lindbergh's kick with his leg, which wasn't a smart thing to do, but it was better than the alternative, getting kicked in the face.

'Heh, sounds like you're having a hard time over there, Captain? Need some hel-Urgh!' Said Freyja through the mind link Sebas had created, though before she could finish her mocking statement, she grunted in pain, having taken a punch to the breast from Mini.

'Hehe, what was that, Freyja? I couldn't hear you; maybe after you beat Mini, you can talk to me.' Replied Diddy with a mocking grin as he landed on the ground opposite Lindbergh, his broken shin seemingly providing no hindrance to his agility.

'Unbelievable, even during a war, they're like children.' Muttered Scar quietly as he and everyone else listened to Freyja and Diddy argue.

'Tch, I heard that Scar. Don't think just because I'm fighting Lindbergh, I won't beat you up!' Yelled Diddy, his face twitching with a frown as he barely managed to block Lindbergh's attack with his bo-staff.

'Hehe, how does it feel to finally be on the receiving end of Captain's wrath?' Asked Trenza with a snarky remark, Grand laughing while Scar clicked his tongue, opting to stay silent lest Diddy beats him up.

'Haha, this fun; Father, we should do this more often!' Declared Grand loudly in excitement, his deep voice echoing within the minds of everyone present, causing two people to be punched in the stomach because of it.

'Urgh! NO!' Yelled Freyja and Diddy simultaneously, the rare time the two will ever agree on something.

'Hoho, the joy of being young.' Said Sebas with the hearty laugh of an Oldman while Freyja and Diddy grumbled in response.

'Tch, anyways, what's the plan you were speaking about, Sebas?' Asked Freyja, shifting the topic back to what it initially was before she and Diddy started arguing.

'Yes, about the plan; while I wouldn't normally mention fleeing, as I imagine Captain would most likely shut it down instantly. Neither you nor Captain are winning your fight, and if it continues like this, we'll eventually be defeated, with you two being first. So I decided to return to the ship and bring it around the coast near the battlefield, or at least closer to it; that way, we can make a quick getaway.' Stated Sebas, who was currently flying back toward the ship and was already more than halfway there.

'You mean to tell me that you linked our minds together, interrupting our battles so that you could tell us that?' Asked Diddy calmly, though his angry expression that was constantly twitching told a different story.

'Ho, before you get angry, Captain, I intend to sail the ship towards the western coast, so I need you all to move slowly towards the west to make a quick escape; though be subtle with your movements, we don't want the enemy getting suspicious.' Remarked Sebas lightly as he quickly stopped Diddy, lest he get angry for no reason.

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