Chapter 56: Scar, Grand, & Trenza Vs The Bear Pirates

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With Freyja changing the ship's direction, we began heading straight for the pirate ship in the distance, though a few moments later, Grand came running up the stairs, an excited expression plastered on his face.

"Guys, there is a pirate ship!" Said Grand in excitement as he glanced at the three of them while clenching his fists, his bare upper body covered in sweat, glistening in the sunlight.

"Yes, we noticed it about a minute ago; you're quite slow on the uptake, Grand." Commented Trenza with a bland expression as she gazed at Grand, causing the man to rub his head awkwardly.

"Haha, anyways; isn't this exciting!? This will be our first pirate fight! We'll be able to show our worth to Captain, allowing us to stay with Father!" Exclaimed Grand eagerly as he upper-cutted the air in excitement.

"I suppose it's somewhat exciting. If I'm not mistaken, we last participated in an all-out brawl when we were still young teenagers." Remarked Scar with a nod and a faint smile as he glanced at the two.

"Ahh, yes, I remember; that was when the remnants of one of the gang's Father, destroyed before we were even born, attempted to kill us as a form of revenge. That's quite a distant memory." Said Trenza with a slight smile, reminiscing their younger days.

"What do you mean distant memory? Why do you sound like you're an old woman reminiscing about her youth? I know you're the oldest of us three, but aren't you only 28?" Stated Grand as he tilted his head and gave Trenza a weird look, only for her to kick his shin, though funnily enough, the one who recoiled in pain was Trenza, while Grand was utterly unphased.

"Tch, because it is a distant memory that happened 14 years ago, half of my life ago! Also, just because you're the youngest, don't act like you can start calling me old; you're only younger than me by four months!" Yelled Trenza angrily as she grabbed her foot in pain while pointing at Grand, who simply shrugged his arms.

"Anyways, you two, stop arguing; we're about to engage in battle with several enemies, so stop with the friendly fire." Commented Scar, glancing at the two before shaking his head and shifting his focus back to the ship in the distance, which had gotten much closer.

Estimating we only had a few minutes until we arrived at the other ship, I unholstered my dagger and did a quick examination, making sure it was in good condition; something I always do before engaging in a fight, as I don't my dagger to suddenly break while fighting someone.

Finding my dagger to be in excellent condition, I sheathed it before heading down to the deck to raise the sails, which Trenza assisted me with. Once the sails were raised, our speed slowed down, but as we were already relatively close to our target, it was fine. Not to mention, raised sails are less likely to get damaged; how are we supposed to sail without any sails?

'Hmm, weird, I've been on this ship for roughly a week, yet I haven't spotted an anchor.' Thought Scar with furrowed brows as he quickly looked at the deck before deciding to ask Freyja.

"Freyja, could you tell me where the anchor is? I don't know where it is." Asked Scar, hoping to get an answer, and while he did get one, it wasn't one he was expecting.

"This ship doesn't have one." Replied Freyja as she glanced at Scar, finding his surprised expression amusing.

"Doesn't have one? If that's so, we should've raised the sails when we noticed the pirate ship; now we're just going to sail right past it." Said Scar in slight shock before frowning as he looked at the pirate ship, which was roughly a minute away.

"Fufu, don't worry, little boy, I'll make sure to stop it if that'll ease your worries." Remarked Freyja with a slight smile and a motherly laugh as she approached Scar before lightly tapping his cheek, causing him to blush, though he still retained his demeanor.

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