Chapter 81: Color of the Supreme King

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While seemingly having a stare down in the middle of the air, I noticed Lindbergh was actually paying more attention to Trenza, who was doing her best to minimize her presence, than to me, which slightly annoyed but also filled me with curiosity.

"Hehe, have a problem with my crewmember? If you want to talk to Trenza, you'll have to take it up with me, the Captain." Said Diddy with a grin as he tightly clutched his bo-staff while looking at Lindbergh, who was intently eyeing Trenza.

"Trenza, so that's her name. No, I've got nothing to do with her; she just looks rather familiar, that's all." Remarked Lindbergh with a frown while eyeing Trenza before shaking his head and ignoring her as he wholeheartedly focused on Diddy floating in the air opposite him.

Seeing Lindbergh finally focus on me, I smirked, though before I engaged in battle, I was about to release Trenza from my back, yet I wasn't given a chance as Lindbergh unholstered his weird gun from his jetpack and fired condensed bullet-sized beams of water, which was honestly probably liquid nitrogen if I had to guess considering it's freezing properties.

"Dodge!!" Yelled Trenza in fear as she watched Lindbergh shoot at them, the projectiles moving faster than she could perceive, though the same couldn't be said for Diddy.

Just as Trenza yelled, I evaded every projectile, and although I wouldn't say it was easy, It was much easier than last time, despite having an extra person latched onto my back, though in all honesty, she's hardly hindering me.

"Tch, that's rather rude of you, Lindbergh, attacking before someone's ready; don't you see I've got a useless backpack!?" Remarked Diddy in annoyance, evading the projectiles with minimal movement as they flew right past him by a hair's breadth.

"Hey! I'm not useless!" Yelled Trenza angrily, though Diddy and Lindbergh promptly ignored her words.

"It matters naught to me; she's your crewmember, so she's also a pirate who goes around killing innocent people and plundering small defenseless islands. I've got no remorse for people who live like that." Stated Lindbergh calmly as he twisted a dial on the side of his gun, causing the projectiles to spew out in rapid succession, almost like a mini-gun.

"F-For the record, I've never killed any innocent people, so if you could be understanding and allow me to li-EEK!" Said Trenza with a harmless smile as she peeked her head from behind Diddy's head, only for a bullet-sized projectile to nearly freeze her head if it weren't for Diddy blocking it with his hand.

"Tch, don't move; next time, I'm not saving you, you stupid woman!" Yelled Diddy angrily as his left hand started turning icy blue while a powerful coldness invaded his arm, though it was quickly brought to a halt by lightning that suddenly emerged from his body.

'Ahh, that feels much better.' Mused Diddy as he lightly shook his left hand, the sensation in his arm returning.

Seeing how Lindbergh didn't intend to stop firing, meaning I'd have to get close and force him to stop firing, I brought forth Naga-sa and held it before me with both of my hands; slowly, I started spinning it, and with each rotation, I got faster and faster, until my bo-staff was just a blur as it created it's on powerful winds.

'72 Bian: variation 37, Whirlwind Storm!' Thought Diddy as he spun his bo-staff even faster than before, causing it to create a giant vortex of wind that dispersed all of the projectiles Lindbergh fired at him.

Once I had created a vortex of wind, I stopped spinning my bo-staff and entered the vortex, using the wind to increase my speed along with soru and geppo as I speedily approached Lindbergh without having to worry about accidentally getting hit with his freezing liquid. Within a few moments, I neared the end of the vortex, and just when it was slowing down to boot, exiting the vortex, I appeared right before Lindbergh and kicked down toward him, yet he quickly reacted by backing away with his jet-pack.

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