Chapter 30: Dock At Baterilla

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With the two of us back on the boat, along with an extra person, we sailed past the three lifeless battleships as we continued nearing the Islands port in the distance; however, while approaching the main island, I spotted numerous rows of cannons lining the edge of the dock and a few seconds later, an explosion was heard followed by a puff of smoke as tens of dark spots suddenly became visible in the sky.

"Is it just me, or is this place even more guarded than Karate Island? I suppose Baterilla isn't just an average island." Said Diddy with a grin as he clutched his bow-staff and jumped into the air, approaching the rain of cannonballs.

Nearing the fastly approaching cannonballs that threatened to rain down upon our ship, I swung my bow-staff at the incoming cannonballs, causing many of them to divert off their original path, while the ones that wouldn't have hit my ship in the first place were left alone as they sank into the ocean and exploded.

Unfortunately, while we were relatively close to the island, it would still take a few minutes until our ship arrived at the docks, so until then, I would be forced to stay in the air and protect my ship, something I found to be very tedious and annoying as they didn't lighten their downpour of attacks one bit.

'Ugh, alright, I'm done with merely protecting the ship; I'm not the type to be so passive.' Thought Diddy with a smirk as he reached forth and, instead of deflecting the cannon balls, he caught one.

Catching the hot cannonball with my hand, I reeled my arm back before powerfully hurling it to the senders, and the instant the cannonball hit them, it erupted into a massive fiery explosion that caused a chain reaction as its explosion erupted all the other cannonballs, resulting in a firework show in the middle of the day.

"Hehe, I didn't anticipate that." Remarked Diddy with a smirk as he viewed the fiery explosion, which carried a tint of red from the sheer volume of blood within it.

Although I had detonated nearly the entire dock with my one attack, I stayed floating in the air just in case they were still able to retaliate, yet after a few seconds passed and seeing no cannonballs being launched toward me; I returned to my ship, which had caught up to me.

"Well, that was surprisingly easy." Said Freyja while sitting at the helm as she glanced between Diddy and the destroyed dock, which was now being ravaged by flames.

"Hehe, it's their fault for keeping armed cannonballs right beside each other; they had it coming." Replied Diddy with a chuckle as he holstered Naga-sa and landed beside Freyja, the two completely ignoring their terrified passenger.

Without any cannon fire, the rest of the way toward the island was relatively mellow and uneventful; once we finally arrived at the port, we didn't dock all the way and instead just wrapped a rope around one of the wooden support pillars before jumping onto the dock. Looking back, I saw Freyja floating over while carrying with her the man whose name I had forgotten before tossing him on the pier.

"Y-You two, w-what are you g-going to do!?" Asked Clove as he stood up and blocked the path before unsheathing his sword while pointing it at Diddy and Freyja with a hardened expression.

"Huh? Isn't it obvious? We're pirates, after all, so we must play the part accordingly; we will kill, pillage, destroy, kill, and some more killing before eventually leaving this island. Since we are a newly formed pirate crew, we've got a quota to fill." Replied Diddy with a smirk while eyeing the man whose face morphed into anger at his words.

"I-I may not be powerful enough to stop you two, but as a Marine Officer, I must always uphold justice! So if you wish to get to the town, you mu-" Stated Clove passionately with anger as he attempted to attack Diddy, though all of a sudden, he instantly came to a halt as his trembling eyes, full of fear, looked at Diddy.

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