Chapter 75: Diddy Fully Healed

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"So, mind telling me who defeated you in combat? Was it Vice-admiral Mini or Commander Lindbergh?" Asked Freyja curiously after a few minutes of silence as she looked at Diddy, who had just finished his food.

"Why should I tell you? Someone who wishes to kill me? I'm not that stupid; it'll be easy for you to inform them I'm still alive when they think I'm dead." Said Diddy with a smirk as he comfortably lay on the ground and closed his eyes.

"So what if I do? That still won't stop you from telling me; if anything, that'll only increase your desire to do so. After all, don't you enjoy fighting strong opponents?" Remarked Freyja as she folded her arms and raised her eyebrows while eyeing Diddy, who grinned in response.

"Hehe, it was Commander Lindbergh; that fool almost killed me; I was forced to play dead like a possum; otherwise, I wouldn't have the graces of speaking with you, Freyja, the most beautiful woman in the world." Stated Diddy with a grin as he looked at Freyja while his tone became mocking towards the end, though Freyja just huffed in annoyance.

"Tch, I wish he would've killed you; well, no point in crying over spilt milk; however, what about the Vice-admiral? Was he decently strong? Strong enough where we could take you down if he and I teamed up?" Questioned Freyja with a shake of her head as she displayed an aggressive smile.

"He was pretty strong, I'd say even stronger than you, and if you two teamed up? Well, I do believe there would be a decent chance you two could kill me; of course, that's under the assumption I don't run away, then you'll never be able to kill me." Replied Diddy calmly with a yawn, seemingly ready for bed.

"So I've got options? That's wonderful to hear; well then, I think it's about time I take my leave; I've got all the information I need. Hope next time I see you, Captain, you're a corpse on the ground. Also, I apologize for earlier, Trenza; come visit me during the night, and I'll properly apologize." Stated Freyja while standing up and looking at Diddy before focusing on the silent Trenza as she kneeled down, softly lifting her chin up and looking into her eyes.

"What do you say, Trenza? Will you forgive me then?" Asked Freyja sensually as she licked her lips before leaning in closer and kissing her on the lips, causing Trenza to be so taken aback that she couldn't even react and just sat there blankly.

"Tch, don't make me tell you again, Freyja; you're not allowed to use your bewitching abilities on crewmates. Do it again, and I'll bury you 1,000 feet underneath the island." Declared Diddy with a frown as he pointed toward her with his electric finger, shooting a bolt of lightning that hit the side of her face.

"Tsk, stupid Captain; anyways, my offer still stands, Trenza; I haven't done wit with women yet; I'm interested in how lesbian sex feels." Remarked Freyja with a scowl while her burnt cheek started healing at astonishing speeds as she exited the cave, though not before giving Trenza a seductive wink.

Watching that succubus leave, I glanced at Trenza, who still seemed unresponsive from Freyja's kiss, so I touched her with my tail and sent a weak current of electricity into her body, shocking her out of her stupor.

"Ouch! What was that for, Captain?" Asked Trenza in annoyance as she backed away while looking at her knee, though luckily, she didn't get burnt.

"You were put into a trance by Freyja; if you stayed in a trance for too long, there is a chance you would've become one of her many slaves, and I'm sure you don't want that, do you? So you're welcome." Replied Diddy as he glanced at Trenza before returning to resting on the ground.

"Well, I suppose I should be thanking you, but you didn't have to shock me; I'm sure you could've done something different that was much less painful." Said Trenza as she slightly calmed down, though she was still annoyed at being shocked, just as most people would be.

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