Chapter 12: Make It Double!

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While lying on the cold ground, leaking blood from every wound and orifice, I shifted my eyes toward the lemur standing before my body; I attempted to stand up, yet I could hardly move my body; the only thing I could feel was pain. Even so, while coughing blood, I eventually managed to get back on my two feet, yet I was past the point of being able to fight; I could hardly make out his figure, my body was on the verge of dying, and I could barely even think straight.

Looking at the blurry figure of the humanoid lemur, I tried to close the distance, though the moment I took a step forward, the lemur dashed right toward me, and once he was in front of me, he punched my stomach, causing me to spit blood while collapsing to one knee. Grabbing my abdomen in pain, I looked up at the large figure of the lemur towering over me, and although I didn't wish for it to be true, I knew I was going to die, yet I wasn't just going to accept it.

I still hadn't attained my dream of becoming the strongest, nor had I satisfied my desire for chaos, so there was no way in hell I was just going to be killed by some pathetic lemur.

'While I've gotten far stronger than I ever thought possible, It's not enough! I'll only accept the sweet embrace of Lady Death once I've achieved my dream, so until then, I refuse to die!' Thought Diddy with an unbreakable will and a bloody smirk as he gathered his remaining strength to use in one last attack.

Mustering my last bits of strength, I tightly clenched my right fist while flexing my muscles to the absolute limit; quickly standing up, catching the lemur by surprise, I punched him in the chest, flinging him a good distance away.

"Heh, take that; my strongest Hyper Fist!" Stated Diddy with a feral smirk as he coughed out blood while falling to his back, death slowly embracing him.

Feeling myself slowly slipping into Lady Death's arms, I continued to resist with all my strength while looking at the beautiful sky above and marveling at it, knowing I'll get to view such a sight again when I awaken since I won't be dying here.

'The Full Moon looks exceptional tonight.' Thought Diddy as he stared at the moon, causing his previously slow-beating heart to speed up.

While I was using my final moments to appreciate the moon's beauty, I felt this feeling well up deep inside me; it brought about a sense of chaos, yet it felt primal at the same time. As this feeling continued to emerge, it began to envelop my whole body; with it came a sense of incredible power, far greater than what I could typically muster, and it only continued to increase as time went on.

While this primal feeling of chaos seeped into my mind, instead of trying to resist it, I welcomed it with open arms, as I could instinctually tell it was a part of me, and I found it a foolish concept to essentially resist myself. So I closed my eyes and embraced it; along with it came a feeling of becoming whole, so to speak.

Once everything finished, I opened my eyes, and although everything was still blurry, I could vividly feel how much my senses had improved, not to mention the incredible strength at my disposal.

As I slowly stood up, I noticed my previously golden-brown fur had become pure silver, while my nails and tail had doubled in length; though the most shocking thing was the arcs of lightning dancing around my body and my increase in size, I was now the same size as the lemur in the distance.

'I don't know what exactly happened, but while I'm like this, I should finish my battle with the lemur; this transformation hadn't healed my injuries.' Thought Diddy as he stopped admiring his body and eyed the surprised lemur in the distance with his beast-like eyes.

"Hehe, time for round two!" Said Diddy in a raspy voice and with a feral smile as he kicked the ground numerous times, creating a sonic boom as he speedily approached the lemur

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