Chapter 33: Briss Kingdom

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"What? Can't even enjoy little pranks every now and then?" Questioned Freyja, who was embedded into the side of the enemy pirate ship, with a smirk as she wiped the blood leaking from her mouth while eyeing the hovering Diddy.

"Hehe, of course, I can; didn't you enjoy my prank?" Replied Diddy with a smirk while hovering in the air by continuously using Geppo to keep him afloat as he folded his arms.

"Tch, you call beating up your Vice-Captain a prank? What a crazy Captain." Remarked Freyja with a frown as she exited the ship, using her wings to keep her from drowning in the ocean below.

"In my eyes, it's a prank; you're still alive after all." Said Diddy with a grin as he kicked toward Freyja, launching a large rankyaku that threatened to slice her in half.

I may have attacked her, but I was obviously holding back, so just before it connected with Freyja, she evaded the large blade of wind, causing it to hit the big ship behind her as it sliced right through it like butter before continuing far off in the distance, eventually dissipating. With the boat now perfectly cut in half, everything that was inside it, such as gold, weapons, alcohol, and other miscellaneous things, came spilling out as it began sinking into the ocean; however, neither of us paid it any attention, our sole focus being on the person in front of each other.

"So, do you intend to continue this little prank, as you call it, or will you stop?" Asked Freyja while warily eyeing Diddy, ready to retaliate if he were to attack again.

"Heh, I'll stop for now; having fought you countless times, it's no longer as fun as it used to be; knowing everything about your opponent has its downsides, I suppose." Replied Diddy with a feral grin as he shook his head and retracted his killing intent before approaching the ship.

Landing on the ship, which still had the corpse of one of the enemy pirates on it, I headed back toward my hammock, and while I was doing that, Freyja had also landed on the ship before she went to the captain's seat to steer the ship, looking perfectly fine as if I hadn't just injured her a few moments ago.

"Bastard, making me waste some of my reserve vitality." Muttered Freyja under her breath as she sat down and began manning the helm.

After defeating the Gruff pirates and ending our little scuffle, we were now back on track, heading toward the next island, which is, in fact, a country, and not just any country; it's one of the one hundred and seventy kingdoms affiliated with the world government, Briss Kingdom. Just thinking about arriving at Briss Kingdom and creating mass destruction and chaos causes my heart to beat in excitement, and I can hardly contain myself; if I knew exactly where it was, I'd have long since used geppo to get there quicker.

"Hehe; I can't wait to arrive at Briss Kingdom; you think after destroying that Kingdom, they'll finally start taking us seriously, Freyja?" Asked Diddy calmly with a grin while looking at the sky as he rested in the hammock.

"I have no doubt they'll take us seriously; Briss Kingdom is one of the many countries affiliated with the WG, and destroying the kingdom will be nearly the same as declaring war against them since you'll be challenging their authority. Only a psycho would do something crazy, like declaring war against the entire world; unfortunately for me, I'm stuck with a crazy Captain." Replied Freyja with a frown as she glanced at Diddy, who merely chuckled in response, and although she would never admit it, a small part of her was excited.

"No, you've got it wrong, Freyja; I would be declaring war against the WG, not the pirates, revolutionists, or anyone else who doesn't side with the WG. If I truly wish to declare war against the entire world, I need to be seen as a common enemy from every faction, and such a thing will be very difficult to achieve; however, If I so desire to be seen as the enemy of the world, I've got plenty of time, and I suppose a good way to start would be declaring war against the WG." Remarked Diddy with a feral grin as he unleashed his killing intent at full blast, which created slight ripples in the ocean.

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