Chapter 13: Martial City, Meet Diddy

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While still hiding my presence behind the tree, I intently watched the battle unfold, yet the moment that silver monkey made a move, a booming noise was heard, followed by a strong gust of wind as he turned into a blur before my very eyes.

I could hardly make out their movements, but when I could glimpse them, it seemed like the silver monkey was utterly dominating his opponent; I watched them propel themselves high into the sky, escaping from my view. I waited for them to come back down, and it didn't take long as they both appeared emerging from the night, the silver monkey's fur reflecting the moonlight, practically turning him into a beacon.

While continuing to fall, I had expected at least one of them to slow their descent so as not to crash into the ground below, yet as they increasingly got closer to the ground, neither seemingly tried to stop their descent. In fear and panic, I turned around and began running away, yet because of my drunken state, I happened to trip on an object just as they were about to hit the ground.

'Fuck!!' Thought the old drunkard as he braced for impact.

The instant the creatures smashed into the ground, I was hit with a large gust of wind while feeling the earth violently trembling beneath my body; thankfully, I was left completely intact; other than being covered in dirt, I was safe.

"W-What kind of battle did I stumble across!?" Muttered the old drunkard as he carefully stood up while deciding to view the clash's conclusion, his curiosity again winning.

Slowly returning to the tree I was previously hiding behind, I warily peeked into the now-damaged clearing; observing the situation, the black and white creature was gone, and in its place was a dead lemur, one that looked very familiar. The silver monkey was lying motionlessly on the ground beside the dead lemur; seeing that, I sighed in relief and waited a few seconds before deciding to approach the two.

Carefully approaching the two, I first checked on the lemur that had five holes on top of its head, but what surprised me was I knew this lemur; this was Master's pet, one that he had even before I became his disciple.

'Tch, well, that explains why this beast could use the six Rokushiki techniques. Heh, to think you were still alive all this time after Master's death, though I'm glad you finally died.' Thought the old drunkard with an evil smirk as he spat on the lemur's corpse.

Once I finished releasing some steam onto the lemur, whose name I've long since forgotten about, I moved on to the silver monkey, yet when I got close, I noticed he was still alive from his chest heaving up and down. However, upon closer inspection, I concluded he was in terrible condition, and if nothing were done, he'd die probably within an hour or so.

With how powerful this creature was, I was tempted to leave him be and let him die on his own, but at the same time, this was a perfect opportunity to get my revenge on my stupid junior brother.

'I heard him speak, so he is no ordinary beast; maybe if I take him back home and save his life, he'll feel indebted to me; I can then use him to get my revenge!' Thought the old drunkard with a sinister smirk.

My idea was very dangerous, and my life was at high risk, but at the same time, I didn't have much to live for; the only thing that stopped me from killing myself was my pride as a Martial-arts master and my desire for revenge.

"Fuck it; besides, even if I'm old, I should be able to protect myself as long as he's still injured." Said the old drunkard as he reached down and picked up Diddy, nearly falling over from the sudden increase in weight.

"Ugh, why is he so heavy!?" Remarked the old drunkard as he walked toward the city with Diddy on his shoulders, occasionally grunting.


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