Chapter 52: Frenzy Pirates First-Ever Bounties!

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It's been a couple of days since we departed from Maddy Island after Janet disembarked from our ship; right now, we're heading toward Centaurea, which is supposedly the largest island in the South Blue, at least the picture is the biggest on the map. However, we'll, of course, raid a few islands on the way while destroying any wannabe pirates we encounter.

Currently, I was at the top of the mast as I continued improving my ability to command every part of my body, and after just five days of constant practice, I've finally done it; I've finally managed to control my heart completely. Smiling, I commanded my heart to speed up swiftly, and in a matter of a few seconds, my heart was beating at speeds that would indicate I had just finished an intense battle even though I was calmly sitting down atop the mast. Doing the opposite, I instantly commanded my heart to stop beating, and so it did, which caused me to display a massive grin, though my ecstatic mood was forcefully interrupted with sudden pain throughout my whole body, followed by spitting blood.

'Yeah, that's my fault; it was a stupid thing to do; at least I learned my lesson while in relative safety. Note to self: don't immediately stop my heart from beating, especially when it's doing so at such a fast speed.' Mused Diddy with a grin while whipping blood that leaked from his mouth as his bpm returned to his resting rate.

Although suddenly stopping my heat was moderately painful, the pain began diminishing, and in a matter of a few minutes, it had all but disappeared; my immeasurable vitality at play, which even I sometimes find shocking.

"Though I'm curious, with the small amount of the human anatomy that I know about, if my heart beats fast enough, basically making it work over its maximum capacity, could I get stronger? It would be like an on-command adrenaline boost." Muttered Diddy with a thoughtful expression as he smirked before shaking his head.

From my logic, such a thing should be impossible, but then again, I wasn't a biologist in my past life. However, I was somewhat akin to a bodybuilder, and you didn't get to my level of strength without having in-depth knowledge about the human body, even with performance-enhancing drugs. Though I only focused on muscles, I was utterly clueless about everything else about the human body.

However, this is all under the circumstance I was on Earth, and I was a Human; here, not only am I a monkey-human hybrid with a powerful healing factor and a robust physique, but I was in a world where things only people could dream about happen regularly. This world doesn't really follow logic, or at least the logic I'm used to.

"Anyways, this is all speculation; even if my idea is plausible, it wouldn't be doable right now. I still need more direct control over my body, so until then, the idea will stay on hold." Said Diddy as he stood up and stretched his body, letting the ocean-cool breeze brush against his fur.

"Ahh, that feels good; sitting down in the same spot without moving for ten-plus hours is challenging; it feels like rigor mortis has just affected my body." Muttered Diddy as he did some inhuman stretches that shouldn't be possible with bones, even going so far as to dislocate multiple joints, further displaying how inhuman he was.

Once I finished stretching, feeling rather wonderful from it, I walked off the mast and fell toward the ship's deck before softly landing just before the mast, which so happened to be the area where Grand was training.

"Ahh, sorry, Captain, you suddenly appeared, and I didn't have enough time to react." Said Grand apologetically while looking at Diddy, who had wrapped his tail around his wrist, stopping his fist just a few inches from hitting him.

Blankly looking at Grand, I glanced behind me at the mast, only to find that he was practically carving through the wood with his training. Of course, it would take some time, but still, he didn't need to carve through the whole mast to destroy it, just a little more than half, and that'll be more than enough for it to topple with a strong enough gust.

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