Chapter 160: Death From The East

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vWhile resting in my Hammock, I felt the sunlight hitting my body, and following that, my nose twitched as I inhaled an otherworldly scent, a scent that I was all too familiar with, causing my body to slightly heat up as my most primal urges began to surface.

"Tch, reel in your pheromones, Freyja, or I'll do it for you." Stated Diddy with an annoyed growl as he opened his and tilted his head to the right, eyeing Freyja calmly sitting at the helm while being tended to by both Sanji and Usopp, his words causing them to stop and glare at him.

"How dare you speak to Queen Freyja like that, you fucking monkey!?" Exclaimed Usopp angrily as he aimed his slingshot at Diddy, firing several orangish beads, which he all caught within his hands, and a few seconds later, a muffled explosion was.

"Behave yourself, Usopp. I don't condone such vulgar language; only refer to him as a monkey." Said Freyja as she rested her hands on Usopp's shoulder, causing his anger to vanish while the expression of a man in love took its place as he put away his weapon and kneeled.

"Yes, my apologies, Queen Freyja. I'll make sure to abide by the same rules as well, Queen Freya-san." Declared Usopp and Sanji, respectively, as they got onto one knee, causing Freyja to chuckle as she reached down and kissed their cheeks softly.

"My oh my, such wonderful knights I have; I believe you two are deserving of a very special reward. Allow your Queen to send the two of you to heaven." Stated Freyja with a grin, trailing her hand across both of their bodies as she licked her lips, looking at them like they were food and she was starving.

Looking at Freyja as she played around with her two mindless puppets, I grunted in annoyance before lunging forward and grabbing them by their necks, causing Freyja to click her tongue in annoyance.

"Tch, you've always got to ruin things, don't you, Diddy? I was enjoying myself." Said Freyja with a frown as she annoyedly looked at Diddy, who was walking to the edge of the ship while Sanji and Usopp tried to espace from his clutches, though, to no avail.

"I don't care if you're enjoying yourself, Freyja; it's the morning, so we're about to set sail, and I've got no desire to take an inferior version of Trenza and this weakling with us." Replied Diddy with a frown as he tossed both Usopp and Sanji over toward their ship, which had two wings perfectly nailed to the side.

"Um, thanks?" Said Trenza in slight confusion as she looked at Diddy, unsure whether his words were a compliment.

Once those two fools were back on their own ship, they looked like they were about to lunge at me, but before they could, the fog clouding their eyes disappeared as they were finally freed from Freyja's bewitching charm. However, despite being freed from essentially being Freyja's slave, Sanji looked rather disappointed, almost like he was enjoying it.

'He's truly a simp.' Mused Diddy as he watched Nami exit the ship and start yelling at them, causing Sanji and Usopp to sigh.

Ignoring them, I looked up at the morning sky and spotted the morning sun, figuring it was probably best if we left this island sooner rather than later; I wouldn't be surprised if there were some marine or world government spies in Mock town, and even if there wasn't, I wasn't exactly an unknown pirate, so it wouldn't take long for word of my arrival at Mock town to be known.

Since everyone was already present, I wasted no time and walked toward the ship's bow, only to grasp the stem as I slammed my hand against the air, flinging us numerous meters backward while also causing the back of the ship to be lifted out from the water. Following that, I hit the air to my right, spinning the ship one-hundred-eighty degrees until we were now fully turned, and only then did I allow the ship to return to floating atop the water normally.

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